Grow Mediums White crack and 3bears og with IzzyTheGrower

I heard they had a dozen plants in different states. Supposedly a passing police officer smelled it and got a search warrant, said that as the fans kicked on the smell would get strong and dissipate as they kicked off. House was in a residential neighborhood so I bet no random beat cop smelled anything, more likely a neighbor called it in. That's why I live in the middle of nowhere.

Yea I'm in somewhat of a residential area been here for about two years now and only one of those with a filter and a actual exhaust fan, where am from people get killed trying to buy 20 bags of bullshit everybody is robbing everybody one of the highest murder rates in the country.... Heck my guy I used to get from for over a decade got shot and left for dead in the streets he never did anybody wrong I'll take my chances all these young wanna be thugs running around, I will be moving to a friendly state soon as can't wait any longer for my state to get out of Reagan era...

It really sucks over half the country has some form of legal mj while the other half stuck in the stone ages... One state you can do serious time the next state over you can grow legally no problem I just don't understand it not one bit...

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Yea I'm in somewhat of a residential area been here for about two years now and only one of those with a filter and a actual exhaust fan, where am from people get killed trying to buy 20 bags of bullshit everybody is robbing everybody one of the highest murder rates in the country.... Heck my guy I used to get from for over a decade got shot and left for dead in the streets he never did anybody wrong I'll take my chances all these young wanna be thugs running around, I will be moving to a friendly state soon as can't wait any longer for my state to get out of Reagan era...

It really sucks over half the country has some form of legal mj while the other half stuck in the stone ages... One state you can do serious time the next state over you can grow legally no problem I just don't understand it not one bit...

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I was seriously considering moving to a friendly state but with the new attorney general being a prohibitionist, I think I will see how long it takes him to send in the federal swat teams to legal states to shutdown dispensaries and grows. I have a feeling it's going to get worse before it gets better.
I was seriously considering moving to a friendly state but with the new attorney general being a prohibitionist, I think I will see how long it takes him to send in the federal swat teams to legal states to shutdown dispensaries and grows. I have a feeling it's going to get worse before it gets better.

Yea shits crazy man the industry is going to fight back we've came so far for this fuck to stop the forward progress but you may just be right on it going to get worse before we see better days

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Looking great frosting up nicely;) ur gna love the smoke off this strong;) happy growing

I'm already loving the smells that og smell straight gas [emoji23] I can't wait she's starting to color up on me some fading going here and their [emoji41][emoji91][emoji1362][emoji100][emoji268]

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I will settle for nothing less than COMPLETE CANNABIS FREEDOM in murica.:thumbsup:

Shit they'd tax us on the grass that grows in our front yards if they could ‍♂️

Here they decriminalized up to a certain amount but with no stores to get it from it's like okay now what [emoji88]

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Professor Xavier saves the day

If more high profile people come out like this it's only a matter of time, sessions said it's only slightly less harmful then heroin he has to be joking [emoji854] ‍♂️ [emoji848]

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I think the health arguments are just bullshit, and an excuse. Legalisation threatens big pharmas profits, that's why this prohibition continues cos half the shit they sell wouldn't be needed if canna legal.

I'm sure the original reason was to protect cotton farmers as hemp loads better. Usually boils down to protecting vested interests, who can get a word in POTUS ear.