New Grower Auto Mazar / Ultimate - Autopots - Coco - LED

Rep was aware of it being an Auto, so i'm giving it a go. My ultimate is showing no signs of burning at ill keep it up.

The Ultimate won't be lonely, she can see her dead sister next to her which will remind her if she doesn't perform ill kill her also! I'll pop 2 more seeds IF the ultimate makes it lol And closer to harvest since Ill be using autopots and the feed will be off if I plant now.
:crying::crying:scare tactics i like it haha :thumbsup:
Day 13

Here is my auto ultimate!

Just feed her a little bit, and noticed some slight yellow on some of the tips. Raised up the lights a bit and I'll see how she is doing tomorrow.

Also some slight curling of some leaves from a few days ago.

Running full strength of remo nutrients since Saturday and she's been growing pretty fast now. Feeding her twice a day when I'm at work and 3times a day when I work from home.

How's she looking?

My Mazar is officially dead to me. 1 plant grow!!! Lol

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Oh finally got my wyze camera. You can see the dead mazar!

Lights at 13" and running about 35w per sqft.

Well hoping I dont mess something up. The yellowish on some of the new leaves and the curling is what I'm trying to understand what it means.

I know the plant is telling me something just not sure what lol. Curling up is humidity issues? The tips I think is it's getting a deficiency and wants more. My next increase in feed is coming up and maybe that's why?

Dont want my ultimate to join the other one lol. For know I'm trying to increase humidity and raised the lights a bit. Was at 12" when I got home.

@St. Tom do you run remo full strength as per their calculator?

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I really let the ball drop on my updates!

Here is my Ultimate! She is really short, as I had a ton of issues that I think I finally ironed out. PH swings with my res, my inline fan dropped, ahh man the list goes on. My Mazar is long gone! I planted 2 new seeds and continued to have watering issues so another one died :(

Anyway I've moved onto Megacrop as it's just making my life so much easier! Looks like I'll actually get to get a harvest! Not sure what it will be, and worried about how bushy this girl is, hope i dont get mold lol

My setup has now been bullet proof for the past 3 weeks. Temps and humidity are solid, and my lights are cranked up to 320w draw from the wall at 12" from the tops.
