A couple of things I noticed. First your EC numbers are missing the decimal point and that can be confusing to many. Here is a conversion chart so we are all on the same PPM
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Like Pop noted your starting water PPM is too high. GH has a hard water FloraMicro nutrient that might work better for you. One reason PH goes up in circulating nutrients is due to the calcium carbonate precipitating out of solution. To mitigate that aerate your water for a day or two prior to using it. That will help to stabilize the PH.
I also agree that you are over-feeding and it may be the source of the lockouts.
I don't understand where this idea of light burn has come from. Everybody thinks they have light burn. If your buds are not up IN the light it ain't light burn. I have run COBs that are much much stronger than scattered LM301s as close as 8 inches without any light burn. If you were talking HID then you can be talking light burn.
Hey Man! Thanks for the tips. I was showing my EC in microSiemens, 1000 microSiemens (µS) = 1 milliSiemen (mS). But that's OK, I've converted all mentions of EC in my OP and responses to milliSiemen (mS) as shown in the charts. Hope that helps
I always thought water PPM of 150 is considered ok. Should I still get hard water FloraMicro? I do aerate my water for 2 days prior to using it, I definitely noticed the stabilizing of pH after doing so.
Ok, if not light burn then I may have simply been overfeeding it. These signs started 4-6 days after I stopped hand watering and turned on the autopot reservoir. When I was handwatering, my EC was 1.1 and pH 6.0-6.1, and when I turned on the autopots, my EC was 1.22. pH 5.8 (but drifted to around 6.3 in reservoir). Then I started to increase the EC after seeing these signs of "deficiencies" which I'm not sure if I should have just stuck at EC 1.1 in the reservoir.