First time sprouting

IMO when they pop, they are in Veg which to me means growth non-flower, with that said they are seedlings, babies. I stress this, for AUTOFLOWERS this is the most critical stage.... I tend to baby them to day 7, and then I give them a boost in light while I have been building a microbe population (soil grows). After day 7 my plants usually go into what I call the angry stage and reward me with vigorous growth. Though it isn't always the case for me, right now I am struggling with a Fast Buds LSD-25 seedling, she looks like crap. I have a lot of experience and even with that it doesn't always go right, sometimes it is simply genetic variance, sometimes I goof them up as I try different and simple things, one thing for sure, it is always a journey.... I have debated chopping the LSD-25 but have so far let her live.... I hate wasting even 1 seed and a life, I Iook at her and she wants to live......
i'd also say you were overfeeding... we've just started learning how to begin seeds in coco (we used to begin in peat, then pass to coco), and our first tries looked just like yours and we were overfeeding at 0.5 EC...
our recent tries we did 1 week of daily feeds with 0.2 EC (to keep the coco cation exchange balanced, not to feed the plant), then started increasing slowly. seedlings started like this look better than the first tries, but still not as healthy as the ones we began in peat and then passed to coco... but we are getting there, hope you can too.

haha! we've been trying to undertand this as well. from what we've gathered, they're still seedlings.

They are sleeping now, and later I'll give them enough water till I get run off of 20% and go from there.

So my plan of attack is give water today and SLOWLY added nutrients over the next few feeds starting at 125ppm (.2ec) and pray.

Now I know what it will look like if I overfeed, question is if I do what I plan will they rebound and show improvement?
IMO when they pop, they are in Veg which to me means growth non-flower, with that said they are seedlings, babies. I stress this, for AUTOFLOWERS this is the most critical stage.... I tend to baby them to day 7, and then I give them a boost in light while I have been building a microbe population (soil grows). After day 7 my plants usually go into what I call the angry stage and reward me with vigorous growth. Though it isn't always the case for me, right now I am struggling with a Fast Buds LSD-25 seedling, she looks like crap. I have a lot of experience and even with that it doesn't always go right, sometimes it is simply genetic variance, sometimes I goof them up as I try different and simple things, one thing for sure, it is always a journey.... I have debated chopping the LSD-25 but have so far let her live.... I hate wasting even 1 seed and a life, I Iook at her and she wants to live......

A journey it is! I will keep these girls going till the end, and see what she produces in the end.

I already want a second tent so I can grow 2 others and apply what I've learned so far hahah
My first thought is that you may be over watering. That’s the most common cause of yellowing in seedlings. How much liquid are you giving them? I use a turkey baster to water seedlings and I make a little circle around the seedling each day but I only add about 1/3 of a cup of H2O to very well draining soil.

Also, too much feed, IMO! Seedlings don’t need food for the first couple weeks. And definitely not daily!!! I use the absolute lightest and nutrient free mix I can get for starting my seedlings. Now, I grow in soil but cannabis is cannabis. I make a core of this nutrient free mix (usually FF Light Warrior, in my case) that’s the size of a 16oz plastic cup that’s surrounded by my really good soil. I imagine you could do the same with coco - precharge your coco (isn’t that what y’all do?) but have a nutrient free patch in the top, where you can start your seedling. Let it grow and search for food. This promotes better root growth and allows it to choose when it accesses it’s first feeding, to a degree; rather than force feeding it bottled nutrients early on.

Now, the only caveat to this is feeding root stimulators and microbes. I DO add a root stimulator, mycorrhizae and some other microbes to the water I initially use to water new seedlings. These are very helpful to a vigorous start, imo. <—Based on my research.
My first thought is that you may be over watering. That’s the most common cause of yellowing in seedlings. How much liquid are you giving them? I use a turkey baster to water seedlings and I make a little circle around the seedling each day but I only add about 1/3 of a cup of H2O to very well draining soil.

Well guess I'm giving way to much water! Under a litre of water I've been giving (told it's hard to overwater) but clearly that and the nutrients im giving is the issue.

The only reason I up'd them is from being told to do so :( Anyway lesson learned to start really slow next time, and hopefully I can get over this speed bump and improve.

Will be so much easier once the autopots get turned on, and let it do it's thing.
They are sleeping now, and later I'll give them enough water till I get run off of 20% and go from there.

So my plan of attack is give water today and SLOWLY added nutrients over the next few feeds starting at 125ppm (.2ec) and pray.

Now I know what it will look like if I overfeed, question is if I do what I plan will they rebound and show improvement?

NOoooo! Don’t do that!! They are too young for a flush. They don’t look all that bad anyway. Stop feeding and make sure you’re not over-watering. If you feel you have to add anything to your water to raise EC (I don’t see why but then I don’t grow in coco) then do that with a root stimulator and/or microbes of some sort and NOT with nutrition! If you have some tip burn on a seedling you don’t want to continue feeding them, right? Just use good watering practice and get them through the first couple weeks. THEN worry about feeding! Follow the Remo schedule when you start feeding.
NOoooo! Don’t do that!! They are too young for a flush. They don’t look all that bad anyway. Stop feeding and make sure you’re not over-watering. If you feel you have to add anything to your water to raise EC (I don’t see why but then I don’t grow in coco) then do that with a root stimulator and/or microbes of some sort and NOT with nutrition! If you have some tip burn on a seedling you don’t want to continue feeding them, right? Just use good watering practice and get them through the first couple weeks. THEN worry about feeding! Follow the Remo schedule when you start feeding.

Got it! Stop the feed, tiny bit of water. lol

Remo schedule for week 1 of veg is to give it what i've been doing. Which was the reason for asking if this is Veg or not. So confused lol
Well guess I'm giving way to much water! Under a litre of water I've been giving (told it's hard to overwater) but clearly that and the nutrients im giving is the issue.

The only reason I up'd them is from being told to do so :( Anyway lesson learned to start really slow next time, and hopefully I can get over this speed bump and improve.

Will be so much easier once the autopots get turned on, and let it do it's thing.

It’s be better if there was a really great coco grower helping you because I don’t use it. But it’s VERY easy and very common to overwater cannabis seedlings, period. This is especially true in larger containers because you don’t want your medium (coco especially, from what I’ve heard) to dry completely and get hydrophobic. This is one reason why it’s so popular to start in small containers and transplant; however, autoflower do better starting in their ‘forever pot’ and not being subjected to transplant shock.

So you may need to add some water to the rest of the pot periodically to keep your coco right - that’s something that someone else will have to help you with. But it’s important not to get too much to the seedling or it basically suffocates. It’s a balancing act. You don’t appear to have severe over-watering in any case. I’m pretty sure if you dial back the nutrients, watch your watering amounts and add a root stimulator you’re off to a great start!
Got it! Stop the feed, tiny bit of water. lol

Remo schedule for week 1 of veg is to give it what i've been doing. Which was the reason for asking if this is Veg or not. So confused lol

I just read a article on the definition between seedling and veg but can’t find it. It said veg starts around day 14.

Did you precharge your coco with any nutrients at all?
I just read a article on the definition between seedling and veg but can’t find it. It said veg starts around day 14.

Did you precharge your coco with any nutrients at all?

So based on Remo calculator I gave have dosage of nutrients for the pre-charge. Came out to 280ppm and used that for 4-5days of life. I had a plan of attack and deviated from it by giving too much water for sure. The first feeding she was feed by syringe in circle around her for the first few days with the same feed and then all went to hell and I gave it too much water (750ml)?

What made me deviate was reading all the coco guides which says never give plain water, and water till there is run off.