Dinafem White Cheese Autoflowering (Dinafem)

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Im so sorry to hear about the 2 white cheese dying mate, this is very strange and to happen at the same time, very strange. Nice to know this has not deterred you and you've started another white cheese.

I must say the GSC is looking nice and healthy also staying very short and squat.

All the best

Yeah soz about the cheese bro love any cheese strain so I do
Good to here ure doing another one GSC is looking really healthy will be watching this grow for sure
Im so sorry to hear about the 2 white cheese dying mate, this is very strange and to happen at the same time, very strange. Nice to know this has not deterred you and you've started another white cheese.

I must say the GSC is looking nice and healthy also staying very short and squat.

All the best

My best guess is that the straight roots organics soil was a little too hot for me to be starting them in, however all's not lost I had a bean put aside for a rainy day so although her timing is about a week plus off within this grow thus far she's doing well. This pic was from roughly a week ago.


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Yeah soz about the cheese bro love any cheese strain so I do
Good to here ure doing another one GSC is looking really healthy will be watching this grow for sure
Many thanks, good lord willing and the creek don't rise, be getting a new humidifier tomorrow. Woke up this morning RH was at 19, which just isn't cutting it for veg stage in my opinion. Will be ordering couple 300 watt leds today or tomorrow. Oh and I got a little EMC2 Critical bean just now popped I may just throw her on the deck weather permitting,,,,,but any way again ty for stopping by.
Woooo! that's a chubby little lady! I love it!

Ok so here's question though, she's short and fat yes but being so without doing any kind of defoliation how do I get light to her now wanting to form lower bud sites, usually (in my other experiences) he lower fan leaves would be more longated at which time I could be tucking, and stuff. I want to open her up some but it's like one short tangled mess. You think it might help me if I set light way high, could that possibly encourage her to stretch some giving me more room to work with. Before you answer than keep in mind she's going to be under 600 watts of led within the next week or so. I'll post some pics tonight when she wakes up. And as always I love yall here on AFN it's like 1 big happy family. ;-)
I wouldn't even worry about it yet. I'd bend branches outward rather than defoliate this early. give her a couple weeks to build size and strength.

Ok so here's question though, she's short and fat yes but being so without doing any kind of defoliation how do I get light to her now wanting to form lower bud sites, usually (in my other experiences) he lower fan leaves would be more longated at which time I could be tucking, and stuff. I want to open her up some but it's like one short tangled mess. You think it might help me if I set light way high, could that possibly encourage her to stretch some giving me more room to work with. Before you answer than keep in mind she's going to be under 600 watts of led within the next week or so. I'll post some pics tonight when she wakes up. And as always I love yall here on AFN it's like 1 big happy family. ;-)
I wouldn't even worry about it yet. I'd bend branches outward rather than defoliate this early. give her a couple weeks to build size and strength.
Ok so my leds are on the way I had heard good things about this Wellpar 600 dude said it blew marshydro away I tried to buy a 600 they were all out of stock so I went ahead and bought 2 of the 300 watt ones. Take a lok and tell me your thoughts, and how do I know how far I can SAFELY put light above her been researching but it seems light 100 different stories, whats got me confused is since they been under T5 is there some transition they'll go through or will they love the led right off the bat here's link to leds I bought for the girls http://www.ebay.com/itm/WELLPAR-2pc...294712?hash=item27fb447ef8:g:KyQAAOSwT5tWLebw
I wouldn't even worry about it yet. I'd bend branches outward rather than defoliate this early. give her a couple weeks to build size and strength.

I have to agree, i would let them veg out for another 10-14 days and do and tucking or lst that you can to open up the lower canopy. As for led this is very new to me and something I will be looking into with great interest. The 2 lights you have ordered look great, can I ask with led do you have to lower and raise the lights or are they fixed to the top of your grow area?, its just I have seen some growers with the led stationary with others raising as needed?

All the best
