Dinafem White Cheese Autoflowering (Dinafem)

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man sorry to hear about your seedlings the joys of growing from seeds your gsc is looking good and sorry cant compare sizes ive never grown in soil :pass:
I want to eventually attempt hydro, reason I don't is I already have due to my Mycology endeavors & other plant projects I have an excess material on hand already (manure,wild bird seed,coir, etc) We also grow most of our vegetables my family eats so it just seemed natural when getting into autoflowers to KISS ;-), If ya got shit and ya got plants and you decide to grow a new plant hmm no brainer plant it in the shit ya already got. My local Hydro store they're awesome, and they have been trying for couple years now to get me to do a LARGE aquaponic setup, that's my future project. On a side note I got a EMC2 Critical bean any of you got any exp with that strain? On the 1st I will be getting some LEDS intent being to flower my current GSC under the LED and will prolly do that critical under T5, managed to get a deal on some bulbs going to be playing with spectrums a little bit as wll as adding some UVB T5 to my current. ;-)
Hey man, looking good! I think they are about average as far as growth goes, maybe a bit above. Certainly nothing to fret over. :bump:
She's grown roughly 1 1/4 inches since last night damn she's gonna have some tight spacing I do feel, will uipdate with pics after while, and as always I love all my extended grow family, life is beautiful.
you can top autos. however, the faster they mature, the less you want to top them. I'd say don't top fast strain, say under 70 days. Longer maturing strains seem to tolerate it better. I'd say toping twice maybe three times is the limit before you do damage to your harvest. But I can't say this is certain, my tests so far have been limited. after seeing what corgy did to Auto Ultimate with crimping, etc, I'd say that is a strain you may be able to top several times. I may test that idea in the future.

I say though that scrogging autos is more productive. Bend it over shortly before flower. Keep defoliation to a minimum. Doing this maximizes the surface area of the canopy and all buds get plenty of light.
you can top autos. however, the faster they mature, the less you want to top them. I'd say don't top fast strain, say under 70 days. Longer maturing strains seem to tolerate it better. I'd say toping twice maybe three times is the limit before you do damage to your harvest. But I can't say this is certain, my tests so far have been limited. after seeing what corgy did to Auto Ultimate with crimping, etc, I'd say that is a strain you may be able to top several times. I may test that idea in the future.

I say though that scrogging autos is more productive. Bend it over shortly before flower. Keep defoliation to a minimum. Doing this maximizes the surface area of the canopy and all buds get plenty of light.
Many thanks pops,,,,,,,,,,,,,
As of today (2/27) see pic here's where Im at will be getting 2 600 watt leds next week, so I already know Im going to have to move her so I've really been trying to leave her alone till after moving into the new tent. Just don't want to get into a situation where if I do top, or scrog I go past what would be considered optimal time to do so. I probably have time, hell she's only been out dirt since 2/14.
update 2/28 Night

Ok so as of yesterday dialed back my lights from 24/0 to 20/0 current temps are averaging 76-80 RH is posing a problem my humidifier went out. Lights are scheduled to go off at 2pm and come back on at 6pm, today when lights came on my RH was at 36% I am not familiar with this particular strain but I feel like she is stressed. Not sick but not happy either. I misted her, and took a large clear container and placed over her just to let her get some humid air. Light had been approximately 3 inches I've now raised to 10 inches. I don't think it's too much light, although it could be. One of my youtube subs said that I'm keeping my light too low, but it has always been my understanding that with the Super high output T5s as close to her without burning was acceptable. I will post pics here in just a few minutes would much appreciate any comment,suggestion, and or constructive criticism. As always I love you all & wish growers love to everyone.