Indoor "Critical+ Autoflowering CBD" - Kush's Newest Ghetto Grow

Here she is now. Still yellow.
The soil flush has not helped her.
It looks like she needs Nitrogen. Could this be the case?

41 days old.
She is yellow. The soil flush did not help and feeding her a nute with CalMag in it didn't help either.

She has 29 more long days until harvest, so I will just let her do her thing.
The buds are pretty big already, so even if she doesn't make it til the end, there still will be a semi-decent yield.

I tried, folks.

41 days old top view.jpg 41 days old side view.jpg
41 days old.
She is yellow. The soil flush did not help and feeding her a nute with CalMag in it didn't help either.

She has 29 more long days until harvest, so I will just let her do her thing.
The buds are pretty big already, so even if she doesn't make it til the end, there still will be a semi-decent yield.

I tried, folks.

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dont give up yet! Have you been feeding at all? Usually you can bounce them back just a little, or keep them from regressing further by slowly returning to a lower level feeding level, or whatever was causing the original issue.
dont give up yet! Have you been feeding at all? Usually you can bounce them back just a little, or keep them from regressing further by slowly returning to a lower level feeding level, or whatever was causing the original issue.
Yesterday I fed her the same nutes that she used to thrive on (worm castings and CalMag) before I started her with the nute that burned her (brown Kristalon).
I hope she reverses back to her normal green self. If not, then I will just keep growing her in all her yellow glory. Have nothing to lose at this stage.
The yellow leaves are still soft and are not dried and crispy, which gives me hope.
I think she will survive at least one more week, which will be enough for the nugs to get even fatter and to harden up.

My late grandfather (RIP) used to grow tomatoes. If he ever saw their leaves turn yellow, he would just let the plants fix the problem by themselves. I hope my plant manages to fix itself too.

I think I will just leave her the fuck alone for awhle and I will not be opening the box in the next 4 days.
Will do a check and will post again on the 24th of February.
Day 45, she is yellow, but alive and well.

The buds are getting huge.
These buds have 25 more days to go, but they are already larger in girth than any bud I have grown in my life. Yellow or not, I believe this sick plant will yield at least two ounces dry.
I also think that the plant will survive til harvest. Yes, I do believe so.

Today she was fed a double dose of a CalMag-containing nute and a double dose of worm castings, all of this dissolved in 1,5 liters of water.
I am intentionally upping the Nitrogen to make her green again.
I know that increasing the Nitrogen during flower is a big no-no, but we have to fight the yellowing somehow...

Day 45 side view.jpg
Day 45 top view.jpg
Day 49.
The soil was bone-dry and the plant was in shock from the drought. Drooping leaves and all.
The last thing she needed was me to forget about watering her.
I just gave her 4 liters of pure water. She should recover by tomorrow.

Thirsty on day 49 - 2.jpg Thrsty on day 49.jpg

Why the drought!
Because I am an idiot.
I normally water her every 4 days and give her 4 liters each time. However, I forgot that the last time I watered her, I did not give her the full 4 liters, but only 1,5 liters. So in the last 4 days she got super thirsty.
She is fine now, reacted well to the recent watering and got well hydrated. The leaves are still yellow, but they are now standing up and are no longer drooping.

The buds are getting hard and dense.
20 more days to go, but I may chop her earlier than this.

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