Dinafem White Cheese Autoflowering (Dinafem)

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2/15 Morning Update

So last night before going to bed gave the girls 30 ml of straight rain water went to bed, this morning wasn't going to water but noticed the top layer (coir) was very dry had little bit of already mixed (water/rapid start) so went ahead and misted and gave them each another 30 ml of water. Right now temps (air) 78 degrees 74(soil temp) Over all RH 81. Now much to report in the way of growth but my emphasis this first week is on roots and establishing dialed in environment so don't expect a whole lot of visible change. Will probably run all my 6500k bulbs 24/0 these first few weeks.
Evening/Night update 2/16

So current temps running about 75 at soil level RH at 79.5 Was going to mist lightly but when I checked one of my girls seems stressed or maybe I'm just a worrysome kind of guy, but anyway one of the Dinafem WhiteCheese gals has got some really droopy cotyledon leaves now grow environment is same for all my girls so don't think it's over/under watered or else wouldn't my others experience stress? Too early to tell for me, if any have suggestion or insight it would be appreciated. View media item 5784
View media item 5783
View media item 5782
So anyway took the time today go ahead get some chores done. Now I usually mist 2x daily with regular (filtered) rain water, but had the time below is the Foliar spray I made that I'll be using later

Calcium Phosphate Spray (use @ end of veg through start of flower)
During this stage your plants need extra help. Calcium strengthens the stems so they can support heavy buds, while phosphorus enables the roots to absorb more water and nutrients. This simple recipe makes a spray that you can apply directly to the leaves of your plants when you switch the lights over. Keep in mind that this spray needs to be made at least three weeks before you plan to start flowering. ;-) Here’s how it’s made:

Gather enough egg shells to make 1 cup when crushed. Thoroughly rinse egg shells. Cook shells in a dry skillet until some shells are black (calcium) and some are white (phosphorus). Place in a jar with 5 cups of vinegar and watch it bubble. When the bubbling stops, seal the jar, let sit for 20 days and strain.

one tablespoon of the vinegar/egg shell mixture with one gallon of water. Also added one teaspoon of epsom salts
subbud up dude and a nice big :slap: for the info :pass:
Evening Update 2/16

Ok so the cotyledon leaves on the one Dinafem WhiteCheese still seem real droopy, also it seems as though one of the cotyledons on the GSC is suffering some kind of stress. I have only lightly misted today twice. Knuckle deep soil isn't damp but not dry either. In each of my solo cups is some roots organics and straight coir on top 1/4 . I hope I don't develop any significan issues pics included if any want to tell me what Im doing right, or wrong all suggestions would be appreciated. Will upload pics in like 2 mins. ;-)
What's up bud! Looks like you're trucking along here. :cheers:
I wouldn't worry about the shape of the cotyledons, new seedling leaves can often have abnormalities for the first few leaf sets and unless they are curling like crazy or turning yellow, I wouldn't fret too much. They have good color and it seems you are being careful with them, I'm sure they are just getting used to being in the world of the living and learning how to get food for the first time. Cute widdle babies! :baby:

What's up bud! Looks like you're trucking along here. :cheers:
I wouldn't worry about the shape of the cotyledons, new seedling leaves can often have abnormalities for the first few leaf sets and unless they are curling like crazy or turning yellow, I wouldn't fret too much. They have good color and it seems you are being careful with them, I'm sure they are just getting used to being in the world of the living and learning how to get food for the first time. Cute widdle babies! :baby:

Thank you so so much, this is the first grow Im doing where I don't feel all alone, you and everyone here at AFN have been really cool. Even the slight discoloration on the GirlScout Cookie(GSC1 2/16
didn't seem to be much of an issue for her Now I have not taken any official measurements left but Id venture to guess she's grown well over 1/2 inch since last night. Still keeping them all domed trying to keep rh kinda high. Plan for tomorrow is to lower light to 3 inches from top and go ahead and run 8 of my 6500k bulbs on them (currently only using 4) Again many thanks for stopping by friend. ;-)
Thank you so so much, this is the first grow Im doing where I don't feel all alone, you and everyone here at AFN have been really cool. Even the slight discoloration on the GirlScout Cookie(GSC1 2/16
didn't seem to be much of an issue for her Now I have not taken any official measurements left but Id venture to guess she's grown well over 1/2 inch since last night. Still keeping them all domed trying to keep rh kinda high. Plan for tomorrow is to lower light to 3 inches from top and go ahead and run 8 of my 6500k bulbs on them (currently only using 4) Again many thanks for stopping by friend. ;-)
No worries man, I was in your shoes once just like everyone on here. :thumbsup: the high rh will be good for them, helps them get nice big leaves and avoid nutrient problems when they are sensitive. I look forward to more updates!
All subbed up now. :pop:
The GSC is the FastBuds version but I've heard and read few good things about it. A buddy said towards end of flowering you could smell the GSC coming out in her aroma, now I've not confirmed but he said he had an almost 4oz dry yield. Mainly I'm trying to get my ducks in a row for the Outdoor Season. Will say this would love to see a GSC male (photo period) Blue Cheese (auto) cross. now if only there was a reputable breeder with some good Blue Cheese genetics,,hint hint hint ;-)

That would make a tasty cross GSC x Blue cheese auto . We do carry both the photoperiod version and auto version of the Blue Cheese . I have smoked a few different breeders blue cheddar and I do love ours, very fruity with a nice motivational high. I think this would make a good strain :toke: Now for the cookies to be added to our collection :)

All the best
