Dinafem White Cheese Autoflowering (Dinafem)

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Looking good bro.
I wouldn't be worried about those leaves. Keep up with your thing. I noticed the brown tips. Probably just were water drops form and then drip off. Youll be fine.
Morning Update 2/23

Sorry it's been a few days since my last update. Unfortunately some kind of catastrophic failure occurred with both of the DinaFem WhiteCheese gals. The situation was this everything was fine, around 12pm EST on the 18th I lowerd the light it was set at 4 1/2 inches above the three containers, temps good, no water needed. At 6pm both of the DinaFem gals had sustained something I can only speculate, here's my speculations which make little sense.
1. Although light should not have posed any kind of heat stress me thinks possible.
2. I had used Roots organics/coir mix for the seedling stage may have have benn too Nitrogen rich.
But none makes sense, it's as if both of them died from same cause at same time, had it been environment then why is Girl Scout Cookie still thriving? I'd appreciate any thoughts on this matter.

Moving on ;-) I've already began training the GSC as seen in pics, she's a trooper let me tell you, lights still going 24/0 which I think later this week I may cut back to 20/6. Using a club soda/rain water based formula she's misted 4-6 times daily. She's rotated allowing full light distribution 1/4 turn every 2 hours. She prefers classical music, I tried playing some Jazz she just wasn't feeling it. Will update as they come enjoy the new pics. One last note I went ahead and popped another DinaFem bean and people in all honesty I can't nor have been able to find anything that suggests that DinaFem fault on my 2 screwups, the genetics were great so don't blame DinaFem ;-) Will post pics here in 3-5 mins,,,,,,,Much Growers love to you all ;-)
Aw dude, I'm so sorry to hear the bad news! :sadcry:
Seems you are rolling with the punches though, I hope you have a better result with the next bean. Maybe try to let the top part of the soil dry a bit and not mist so much, if it was dampened off, that will help to avoid it in the future.
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2/24 Watering & Afternoon update

Ok so added 1/4 teaspoon of General Hydroponics RapidStart to a gallon of purified rain water, hadn't watered in several days so was kind of liberal with it. As seen in the pics the FastBuds GSC auto girl is doing lovely, the new DinaFem WhiteCheese auto is also doing good once she's further along will update and post pics of her as well. As usual will post pics in a few minutes.