Buddy Lee is an underrated superhero,I seen him get dropped from a plane with no parachute,fell thru a barn roof,and came out smiling,,,I'm pretty sure he can take Chucky..If i had photoshop i'd edit a bong into one hand and a giant bud in the other,since hes always smiling Budelee...all those stories are awesome guys, and Pleasure to meet you

Dude, I always loved the Buddy Lee commercials. The bong would explain a lot actually.
My wife and I had 5 children 2 from my first marriage and her had 3 from hers. There was someone kid from the area at our house 2,3 or 5 at all time. my step children friends would call me there last name, so my son said " just call him Pops ".
So i have been Pops for 17 yrs. my kids call me Pops.

Idea originally from Manilla Road's song Dreams of Eschaton.

Eschaton, ancient greek word, meaning the end of days. Depending on religion and mythology, it is Judgement Day, Ragnarok, end of time, Doomsday. You get the meaning :smoking:

Eschatos, greek word still in use, meaning the last one, last man standing, victor, sole survivor.
I came up with mine (while living in Tennessee) when a friend sent me an invite to gmail (at the time you could only be invited to have acct). He always referred to me as "the pot smoker". Changed pot to 420. I used this name on all the online poker sites I played as well.
Mine is a personal choice from my own observations of perfection!
The 1st (ex- member, went super nova and nearly finished AFN! Still :cuss: him!)chap, Sussed it pretty fast.
I 'll only confirm (privately), if someone actually gets it! 555
Pictures worth a thousand words right? 1115151647b.jpg
Now I just gotta fill the old nubs with some nugs!
I got mine from my wife lol My nick name was a little to well known for me to use lol