Right now, I am smoking a friends Mendo Purps. Another's friends GSC Ice Water Hash is in the bong, and some killer C99 and Cheese, and Grape Hash Plant, and Lamb's Breath I just grew are in the jars. Another GHP in the tent, along with Purple Trainwreck, Trainwreck, and some Critical +2.0, all photos, and all breeding projects. GHP and Lambs Breath Pollen.
@Stickfour20 Hey man, just give yourself time to get the hang of it. If you need any questions answered just tag me (like I did you), just to get my attention, or private message me if you choose. Click on a user's name to send a message.
Also, go to "Live Stoners" to find all the goings ons. There is a lot of traffic in that thread, and peeps whom you can ask questions. It is like the "circle" where everyone hangs out. Below is the link.. Almost everyone here is a willing helper, or if we don't know the answer, we can usually find it.
after clicking the link, it will dump you where I copied the link, once you get to the tread, go to the last page, or as I like to do, read three or two pages to see what's current.
You should bookmark, or follow the threads, so you can find your way back easily. You can do that by selecting the options at the top of the page in each thread you are in (directly to the right of the numbered pages).
The tutorials are coming, we a small crew who work for free to help out, just to keep the sight running, and the sight is just growing leaps and such, we are in construction though. Not bad for a bunch of rag tag stoners ifn' you ask me
Hope you find your way, this is the best place for us ol' guys. ( i am 53 ), lots of stuff in the medical section. Go To --> Forums--> scroll down till you see the section, and find what suits you. Me and my other half do a lot of work there too. (she is member Root ).
Not sure about the metadata wipe or not from the site, might take a bit for me to get back to you on that. But you say you wipe them anyways.
Just take your time, anything great needs a bit of time to get familiar with.