Indoor Water only with kind soil - 6 autoflowering strains, 6 pots and 600 led watts in a 2 x 4 x 5'8 tent

Thanks for pointing that out for me will check the pots soon.

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Ok so after looking around the tent to see if any other plant has been harm in anyway. To my surprise I think we have another one ready for harvest she is the one that looks like she is dying. Not many hairs have change but she is reading cloudy. Her buds are rock hard and I got feeling she's ready. What should I do.

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Get a little amber. What's the percentage of red pistils?
70 percent red as a round number before thinking about cutting.
I can't touch her without her falling apart. I'm not putting any more money up she's coming down I'll post pictures before she gets cut.

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She was 35 grams wet in weight.

Before her death

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Really didn't want to kill maybe it was a little early but I guess this is a good way to practice harvesting.
The girls love the new space already. They will go to the end.

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3 plants harvested for the total wet weight of 65 grams.... 2 1 gallons and 1 1 gallon pots.

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My bad 1 2 gallon pot.

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The girls are 51 days old.

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