Indoor Water only with kind soil - 6 autoflowering strains, 6 pots and 600 led watts in a 2 x 4 x 5'8 tent

She doesn't like the smell she's a non smoker. So if she doesn't like it. It must smell bad to her and good to me.

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That is a fine point! You just made my morning
I'm testing the sick sister and she taste clean and smells like a flower shop. Floral sent and berries . Drying out fine a small piece so going faster then other. Stem dry just not all the she still bends before the snap. Happy to help with your morning.

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After about 7 weeks and a few days 2 plants were harvested and are close to dry and yields 8 grams plus what I tested.

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It is a great feeling knowing that you made it from start to finish and are able to smoke what you grew!
It's a great feeling after the shock of the drop from wet to dry weight.[emoji57]
All in all I'm happy. I just need the 5 left to really pack on so weight.

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Looks like it is still building those buds!
The smallest bud was dry so I rolled a blunt I'm sweating and this is with no cure. Not even half way done and I can put it out[emoji13].
Happy and energetic feeling.

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The girls are now in the jars. The buds were light so dried pretty fast. It's the start of my collection. I can proudly say I grew 2 strains so far. Germinated 8 out of 9 seeds.

After taking 2 girls out the light is more intense for the rest of them. They became brittle and dry. So I pulled up the light about 3 feet.

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The pots may dry out faster now with better light and air circulation.