Indoor Water only with kind soil - 6 autoflowering strains, 6 pots and 600 led watts in a 2 x 4 x 5'8 tent

This will be the first one done. I like the way she smell. Wish I knew what her genetics are.


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She was born on June 13 2016

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Today is Friday July 22 2016

After hours of searching and trying to identify delicious seeds dark purple auto In my grow. I can not. Note to self always label my pots. If you know anyone that has grown or growing please let me know. At first I thought it was D. Now I'm leaning toward A.

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Today is Saturday July 23 2016

The girls environment is stable. Rh is a little high due to weather outside. The purple strain in the one gallon pot is getting worst with time. I will show you soon how bad she really is. I want to save her just so I know how if it happens again in a grow. Its not about the yield. It's about the grow. We will get into that later.
Her sisters are all doing well. Leaves are starting to straighting out on them. I will wait till tomorrow to give them distilled water. They get 2 and a half cups. Do you guys think it is ok to go up by half cups each watering? I am making sure pots are light.
I'll just take photo of sick one now .

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The girls in a set.

The sick sister. I took her outside and she is OMG So pretty I don't want her to die.

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The girls are about 39 days old today.

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Looks like too much water to me. How heavy is the pot?
It's not yellowing like I see from water. Pot is almost ready for water. Its rusty and looks like Its eating itself. Thanks for looking at her.

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Im a new grower as well and not good a deficiency in plants. Some of your problems could be the seeds themselves. You can get the wrinkled looking leafs from too much water or too much air from a fan blowing on them. Hopefully someone else can give you an idea what's going on with them.
I only have that one giving me problems. I think I'm going to concentrate on the girls that are doing better. really don't want to but hey.

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Yes, let it get super dry. The others you should only increase water as they ask for it. Thats a good amount to go up by. I dont use plastic pots, they can make a difference too.
Some here make a lot of holes in them, like homemade airpots and have good luck with them. Lets more air in and moisture out.