Indoor Water only with kind soil - 6 autoflowering strains, 6 pots and 600 led watts in a 2 x 4 x 5'8 tent

After taking a closer look at the pictures above I think the girls look very weak.... A friend told me watch the leaves and they will tell you what they want... So I am ...... Thanks. Not because of plants if my post confused anyone. Because of the advice I was givin will last me a lifetime. And I now know what to do about it. [emoji41]

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Today is July 17 2016

The girls are looking better each day

This one is going to be purple it's tiny. Girls in a set.

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They are looking much happier! Good job
Today is Tuesday July 19 2016

The girls are more or less 5 weeks old today. I swear I can see them grow as I sit and watch them. Temps are dialed in at 77 degrees with a rh at 56. The 2 girls in the 1 gallon pots will be done first I'm sure. Lights are still on 24-0. I gave them a cup and a half of distilled water. Which they liked.

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Here are the girls a set I will take them out for their weekly size check tonight.

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Thanks friend I have been watching the leaves they are telling me everything to need to know.[emoji6] [emoji41] [emoji186]

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You are welcome! They do talk to us which I think is wonderful. Im still new and learning but will do what I can to help.