Indoor Water only with kind soil - 6 autoflowering strains, 6 pots and 600 led watts in a 2 x 4 x 5'8 tent

Today is July 14 2016

The rh when the lights are off hit 86 that's to high for me . they on 18 and 6 . I don't have money to buy anything else for this set up right baby girl will be here in 30 day[emoji40] [emoji7]
But if I changed the light one last time to 24 and 0
I can create the perfect environment for them. I don't want the rh to kill me.

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Nothing wrong with 24/0
I did some reading and that's what I thought. So after their nap today they will be on 24 and 0

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Thanks friend

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You have a speed controller on the exhaust fan? What speed is it running
The controller is on full blast.

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What is the humidity in the room the tent is in?
I have no idea I'm in a basement. I know it's high

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What are you using to measure it in the tent? If u could run a dehumidifier in the basement it may help.
Today is July 15 2016

The girls seem to be doing better lights are now set to 24-0

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