Indoor Water only with kind soil - 6 autoflowering strains, 6 pots and 600 led watts in a 2 x 4 x 5'8 tent

Thanks friend..[emoji186] [emoji186]

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Wish I could help more. Its frustrating because they are easy to grow and easy to mess up. Just work them to the end it will be worth it
I really appreciate that friend and I will. Thanks for watching out for me.[emoji186] [emoji186] [emoji186] [emoji186] [emoji186] [emoji186] [emoji186] [emoji186]

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Note to self- Try to not disrupt the grow space...
Open and close the tent as little as possible.

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Note to self- buy bathroom scale to put pots on. Another way to stop over watering. Double check..

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Not sure if you have the answer to the rust look issue but im pretty sure it's a MG deficiency. Distilled water has 0 (mostly) ppm which means it has no vitamins and/or minerals. Calcium and magnesium are essential to plants. BOTH of which are need more so when running an LED. I read through your whole grow over my coffee this morning and i believe you are running as organic as possible correct? If you dont want to add any chemical cal/mag to your water you can add some epson salts to the water. Epson salt is pure magnesium. I've never had to use it but a quick google search would tell you the ration of salt/water. Thread seems really active so you might get an answer before you search. Good luck!!
Thanks friend I did read that also. I'm getting ready to water to day. I will research more before I do and try it out because she getting worst. Thanks again.

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Today is Sunday July 24 2016
The sick sister is getting worst it's spreading down to leaves below


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Im not sure about the soil you are using. I seem to have read a few people in this thread have/are currently using it. From what i gathered from the thread is that the soil is kinda pre-charged with the needed nutrients to complete a cycle, with little to no additives correct? Im not sure if you have a PPM or PH meter. I remember people saying " When in doubt, flush it out" Not sure if thats the case with the soil you are using. It looks like its only near the top also correct? Could be burn from the LED if its taller than the rest of the plants. Maybe try to grab a gallon or 2 of spring water from the store. It has some of the micro nutes in it that are stripped when distilling. Usually it is pretty close to PH neutral as the distilled. Good luck! Keep us informed.
The soil I am in is kind soil. All in one only add water when done correctly. The light is 32 inches from The top of tallest girl. The girls we're giving 2 and 1 3rd cups of distilled water. 1 3rd more then the last watering. I DID NOT WATER the sick sister yet. I'm waiting to be sure. I don't know how to tag. Can someone tag kind soil for me please. I just want to know if it is ok to add this.

Temps at 77 degrees rh at 60

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