New Grower Waira's Main course of HighRise with a Side of Sweet Creme's....

Glassy-eyed Capt'n ! :smoke: Thanks bro', it would be a big boat of gravy to me,... but first I gotta grow the meat!! :roflcry: If I was smart, I'd have done the same thing with inverted pot tiering for the MoB's, as the root ball is now solid, floor to ceiling, side to side..., but then again, I didn't want larger plants for stealth reasons... so, I'll have to manage the water/nutes carefully on them! I'm going to start gentle forcing of shut-down on the one baseball Gh/C99/C99 and CM, let'm dry out some,... a few days of decent sun and I think they'll be ready for a dark cycle 'cause the CHOP Eyes are starting to bulge out! LOL! TaNg's Thang :drool: A few others aren't far behind....
Lookin good waira.! :thumbs:

Anxious to see how you like the (GH x C99 ) x C99. I watered 2 of mine inside my tent this morning for the last time. I will let the soil dry out for a few days inside the tent, and put them in their dark cycle for a couple of days, then chop, dry, (sneak some more small buds) and let them cure good. I'm guessing close to an oz a piece, even with my sneaking some.

I have another one about 6 weeks old in the tent also, pollinated two branches on it. One with a very nice looking male pheno of ( Skunk #1 x Russian Dragon), and the other with cres's Diesel Auto Mix.

Also have 4@ Duurty Dragons and 5 @ ( Skunk #1 x Russian Dragon) that are one week old in the tent. Plus one fireplug Diesel auto mix ( I waited to long to transplant), that won't ever happen again if I can help it.

I will try to get out and get some pics of the outdoor ladies tomorrow, with some close ups of the buds on the FBG mutant pheno.(first to mature by far) They smell so dank, and are as sticky/gooey as anything I've grown, well to date anyway. :D:

Still anxious for your MOBs to finish out, and get a smoke report. MOB x C99s, top O the list for next years OD grow for the Stickster.

Have a good one my friend!

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Super awesome shots.

With everybody out basking away in the filtered sun, I thought a nice family portrait would be in order,...:smoke: Looking nice and chunky! dreaming about what the MoB's will bring soon,...:Foxy:

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Thanks Cres! Any tips/tricks you have for the MoB's? They are going to be the stars very soon... I'm now seeing nice pistils springing up in the grow points!....
CHop eyes lol I think is a syndrome lol 3days max is chop eyes limit lol If you can hold out longer your are a trooper LOL I wonder how a plant would grow in one of those topsy terby things upside down lol
Hey Stickbro' :Piggy Hug: What's the happ's at Stick-Farms nowdays? Dewd! I so want to see those little beauties before you succumb to Chop Eyes Syndrome! (LOL!- Doobie's term) Don't stingy with your love, stick'! :roflcry: ... This first one in is the smallest by far, just silly... but the fat mono-nug that she is looks and smells wonderful! She's a goner likely tomorrow,...just drying her out a bit!
I pollinated one lower branch with some KD pollen....*** I have another one about 6 weeks old in the tent also, pollinated two branches on it. One with a very nice looking male pheno of ( Skunk #1 x Russian Dragon), and the other with cres's Diesel Auto Mix.
Ooooo, those are some fine-ass match-ups, brother! Hmmm, wow... I'm no expert, but the F1's from those should be a very interesting pheno mix!... cool project, man...:brow:
Ahhh, more bab-ee's!! I guess you're likin' then indoor results, ay? LOL! More great choices too,.... Russian'/skunk.... who's the fireplug Diesel?
Oh yah! We're ready for a fresh edition of porn, my friend! LOL!- 3-fingered Fanny is already putting out goodness? :D: My MoB's are also kicking into full flower mode now; the hairy crowns have appeared! And the lateral growth is steaming along nicely too.... (they're 36" and 30" today).... LOL!- How's the overhead clearance at the HoopY? ...looking forward to seeing the ladies, mate! :head: Thanks Stickbrother :High 5:
Capt'n D.D.Jr.} My will is,...ehhh okay! LOL! I'll make it another 36hrs or so.... I think over the next week I'll indulge myself on any who look ready,... :X's Evil Laugh x: --- :stylez rasta smoke:Say's Chop-Eye's the Grower Mon!! ...Woot-toot!! Aaahh-ga-ga-ga-ga! :dance:Dooby, you're own biographical comic strip! LMAO!! How true is that?! I vote your term for official use and diagnosis -LOL! Good one my friend...:wiz:

*LOL!-shit, laughing made me forget to load up a few test pics*

009.jpg006.jpg<-- CM frost


004.jpg 001.jpg<-- MoB tops,

003.jpg 002.jpg<-- tall and wide...(36", 30")
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LOL waria Chop eyes :drool:you must have ya shades on :GoooAuto:they still seem to have a while to go if they are leaf eaters ..I havent grown any with that structure yet but they look really leafy? or is it just me?Just got to get you some big boys so you can stop being Evel Knievel lol you get that one LOL :vibe:
....Only a couple will be ready over the weekend, bro', others do still have some yellowing to do.... but I can't go by just that either! Cobra (LOL) dumped her fan leaves okay, but totally held out on most of the bud leaves, so I went by what the trich's had to say, and the slight sunburn/bleaching starting at the tips... LOL! Yeah, this is one of the tendencies outdoor autos have, and I'm trying to figure it out and stop it... I started early on with the Sea Grow Bloom (4-24-24), which helped some, but at this point...:shrug: Even the same strain will vary in this... Also, the plants/buds are smaller, so bud:leaf ratio isn't what it would be for bigger, fuller colas.... Light duration makes a huge difference too, Doob.... Even in a 15hr sunlight day, they don't get full strength sun for more than 8-9 hours, accounting for shading/weak light during sunrise and sunset.... Inside, it's instant full crank until lights out!.......
Just got to get you some big boys so you can stop being Evel Knievel lol you get that one
:roflcry: :finger: You mean like him trying pull off another dicey, risky stunt and crashing, and me trying to grow auto's full time outside?! LOL! see above.... Have faith Doob'! Look at those MoB's,... in about a month, you'll have major wood over those girls! Mind you, MoB's are a 'fast' strain, not fully auto,...:smoke: