New Grower Waira's Main course of HighRise with a Side of Sweet Creme's....

Hey SE Asia friend Canna'- Cheers, mate! :tiphat: ... thanks for coming by... So, have you and the Tokay had any more glare-off's lately? LOL! Not sure you can even win with them,... are they the eye-lidless type of Gekko? Man, they sure are beautiful though... No more uninvited 'guests' either, I hope! I hope your Mazar gal is still in your 'possesion'..:D: check on you later!
So, have you and the Tokay had any more glare-off's lately? LOL! Not sure you can even win with them,... are they the eye-lidless type of Gekko? Man, they sure are beautiful though... No more uninvited 'guests' either, I hope! I hope your Mazar gal is still in your 'possesion'..:D: check on you later!

Hello there, my left coast central flora and fauna appreciating friend, and fellow arachnophile. The Tokay has left the building, having eaten all the smaller geckos. I never got close enough to check the eyes; that close is too close. :D:

The Mazar trundles along. She seems to be hibernating at the moment - not much happening on any front. I tell ya, it's like watching grass grow. :X's Evil Laugh x:
...Just some week 10+ porn.... 1 Gh/C99/C99 and smaller Crm. Mandarine are in the dark cycle, full chop tomorrow! :dance2:

003.jpg004.jpg<-- MoB's- Bud site well under way, and moving quickly!... c/u's of that in a day or two....

007.jpg008.jpg<-- GhD/C99- the one on right has developed nice purple highlights, and is one solid bud!
009.jpg<--Gh/C99/C99- nice comeback from being mauled by a rabbit!
010.jpg011.jpg<-- GhD's- pics don't show it well (on any of them), but they're bud building is getting better and better...

020.jpg021.jpg019.jpg Sweet} Red Poison, Sw. Special, Grn. Poison (fast, not auto)
022.jpg023.jpg<--Another RP and SS
002.jpg001.jpg<-- HR} GhD/C99, getting my first ever attempt at some LST tweaking...
006.jpg005.jpg<-- CC and CM ... will be ready in less than a week; Cm may be partial chop, leaving lowest branches to ripen up a bit more....
Looking great, jealous, cant grow outdoors safely. :twist:

looking fine thats going to be a great looking plant...covered with buds.:stylez rasta smoke:

Hey waira,
Oh, to have your length of growing season here.:finger:

Your ladies are looking delicious.:drool:

Finally ordered some MOB99 this morning, can't wait. Might have to go for grow cab #3 before next years outdoor grow, just to try growing some of it indoors.

I know I've said it before, but I will be interested in how you like the GH x C 99. Hey, wait I'm chopping my first two tomorrow also. Twilight Zone Music starting again in background.:D:

Mr.'Turd}- LOL! -jealous of growing outside, no doubt, but not of my butt plug-sized plant collection! (MoB's aside...) :Stones slap: Yeah, you had mentioned that before... given what I see from your indoor skills, I can only imagine what glorious monsters you two could create unchecked, outside!! When the day comes that I can grow indoors, I'll be sure to quiz y'all merciless for info... :D: thanks bro'!

Cres}- Thank you man!...And for this fantastic strain as well; just like you said, both these girls are very quickly building up at the bud sites, and eating like crazy preggo' chicks! The root mass is one solid cylinder, so they're keeping me on my toes daily...What do you think for finishing date, sometime early Oct.?...

Hoop Meister-in-Chief! LMAO!! Yes indeed, f*ck me very much!! A longer season is all I have on you, my friend! And you don't even need it, what with the HoopY and HR and TLO and Stick-Power, and,...indoor tents! :bow: :finger: :crying: Pardon my utter lack of sympathy! ...looks like you'll be giving me the taste-test first on the Gh/C99/C99, or, like our posting timing, at the same time!(keep that Twilight Zone theme music playing! -LOL!) Too bad mine is a frickin' lollipop compared to yours,... which I'm still waiting to see pics of, BTW!! I insist on at least a pre-chop denuded porn shot of this round...! **** Shweeet! on scoring some MoB bean, Stick! They might be something of a challenge to keep under control indoors,... I can tell, if I put these two in bigger pots they'd fill those up, just the same!... Did you see Cres' outdoor Mob testing pics? :beast:!! Speaking of which, how's the Stick-Y forest looking now? Man, I really want to see what you've cooked up there! (hint-nudge)... How's the veggie garden doing too, mate? I hope it's treated you deliciously, for all you (literal) pains! ...Always good to hear from you, brother! :stylez rasta smoke:
....Only a couple will be ready over the weekend, bro', others do still have some yellowing to do.... but I can't go by just that either! Cobra (LOL) dumped her fan leaves okay, but totally held out on most of the bud leaves, so I went by what the trich's had to say, and the slight sunburn/bleaching starting at the tips... LOL! Yeah, this is one of the tendencies outdoor autos have, and I'm trying to figure it out and stop it... I started early on with the Sea Grow Bloom (4-24-24), which helped some, but at this point...:shrug: Even the same strain will vary in this... Also, the plants/buds are smaller, so bud:leaf ratio isn't what it would be for bigger, fuller colas.... Light duration makes a huge difference too, Doob.... Even in a 15hr sunlight day, they don't get full strength sun for more than 8-9 hours, accounting for shading/weak light during sunrise and sunset.... Inside, it's instant full crank until lights out!....... :roflcry: :finger: You mean like him trying pull off another dicey, risky stunt and crashing, and me trying to grow auto's full time outside?! LOL! see above.... Have faith Doob'! Look at those MoB's,... in about a month, you'll have major wood over those girls! Mind you, MoB's are a 'fast' strain, not fully auto,...:smoke:
LOL i was going for the word STUNT like short plants stunted growth lol Im not talking trash to ya at all either just trying to be witty lol I have no clue what autos do outside..wish I had some of the LBH eribies for ya semi auto "fast" purple bud strain that goes BIG and made and bred for outdoor.He has some he does with NO FEED at all ape style lol :High 5:
Nice collection, waira!

I'm kind of scratching my head, tho - look at those nice big fabric pots, and all the 1-stalk wonders... What's UP with that? They look absolutely DELICIOUS and likely very potent, but where's the branching? :shrug: Those strains grow beautifully INSIDE - so not fair!!

MoBs look very promising! I'll be keeping my eyes peeled on those! :Coolio:

Hope you've been well, dear! See you later... :smokebuds:
The Mazar trundles along. She seems to be hibernating at the moment - not much happening on any front. I tell ya, it's like watching grass grow.
-> *Groan...* da-dup-tshhhh! :Stones slap: LOL! Canna-bro', it's time to start talking nas-tee to that stubborn gal! ...maybe some indoor/AC cool spell, will tip the switches.... :wiz:

D.D.Jr.} LOL!- no worries dude, it's the truth, ain't it? I gotta laugh and jest too, otherwise I'm liable to get genuinely pissed, and say naughty not-so-good-vibe things about full auto's and growing outside... LBH, I see lots of good things about him,... but all's rather quiet on that front...:shrug:; was this 'fast' strain something offered a while back?

Sapphire} 'Ello, luv! Good to see you pop in,...:D: I hope you're feeling better these days! Yes, same shit again, and this time I'm 99% positive it wasn't fert' stunting... I did my homework on things this time, with soil choice, nute's, timing... This is touching on what I was telling Dood' here about,... Anyway, I'm very interested in seeing how your lovely crew is doing! I'll pop by shortly here....:smoke: