....Only a couple will be ready over the weekend, bro', others do still have some yellowing to do.... but I can't go by just that either! Cobra (LOL) dumped her fan leaves okay, but totally held out on most of the bud leaves, so I went by what the trich's had to say, and the slight sunburn/bleaching starting at the tips... LOL! Yeah, this is one of the tendencies outdoor autos have, and I'm trying to figure it out and stop it... I started early on with the Sea Grow Bloom (4-24-24), which helped some, but at this point...
Even the same strain will vary in this... Also, the plants/buds are smaller, so bud:leaf ratio isn't what it would be for bigger, fuller colas.... Light duration makes a huge difference too, Doob.... Even in a 15hr sunlight day, they don't get
full strength sun for more than 8-9 hours, accounting for shading/weak light during sunrise and sunset.... Inside, it's instant full crank until lights out!....... :roflcry:
You mean like him trying pull off another dicey, risky stunt and crashing, and me trying to grow auto's full time outside?! LOL! see above.... Have faith Doob'! Look at those MoB's,... in about a month, you'll have major wood over those girls! Mind you, MoB's are a 'fast' strain, not fully auto,...:smoke: