<WEEK 8>
Okay, it's the home stretch now! :dance2: I'm talking sweet to the girls to get them to fatten up nicely,...so far, so good!... Not a whole lot new to say this time; aromatics are really ramping up! Maybe a few more weeks, weather depending,...which has been the shits this year! More fog, lingers longer, night drizzle,... thanks the green gods HR gear is mold resistant!The C99 crosses are sweet candy floral, GhzD is similar, maybe a bit of fuel... MoB's have shown preflowers in the last few days!
Doobie} yeah, I've had Hawaiian mentioned to me a couple times now,... I looked at the numbers, and this stuff is very P-K hot, nearly twice what the similar Sea-grow bloom has (4-24-24),... more is not better when I'm not feeding at full strength anyway,... team Musturd uses Sea-grow, and we all know
their results! It's not a taproot thing, mate... I don't know why they stunted out again this time,... I was far more careful with nute's,...
I'm using different, milder nute's too... don't get me started! you know,....how I feel.... LOL!
Cres} MoB's have sexed! They have such nice aroma now, I can't wait to see what the buds will bring! I figure they'll be about 7 weeks or so from here,... they're still pushing out nice side branches too....
Mz. S'} nice to see you stop in!
: I had a quick look at your girls- Wooow!
giggady!! -LOL! Like our Stick-buddy, you really went for it this year, but hang tough GF, the best is yet to come! And boy, do you have some good'uns cookin'! Next year, you should try the MoB's (Maine's own Blueberry)... these are one of Cres' fast photo's, not auto's,... they're fine inside or out... We'll get some nice prelim' reviews from stickman later this year- I can't wait!
Sweet girls!! fantastic aromas developing... more at their thread!
Crm. Caramel
Crm. Mandarines, 5 & 3gal.