New Grower Waira's Main course of HighRise with a Side of Sweet Creme's....

Hey waira - the ladies are coming right along, I see! :stylez rasta smoke:

Those MoB's sure look nice! I'm surprised to see the others in the familiar one stalk form, tho they look nice and phat and happy! :booya: My brain is so foggy - I think these seeds are meant for outdoor, right? I was thinking about trying just a few maybe next season (a whole grow was way too much - now i'm a little burned out for my regular babes! lol), but I may just hold off on any form of auto unless I get going inside.

Anyway, just wanted to pop by for a moment while I'm out of my hole - see you later!
<WEEK 8>

Okay, it's the home stretch now! :dance2: I'm talking sweet to the girls to get them to fatten up nicely, far, so good!... Not a whole lot new to say this time; aromatics are really ramping up! Maybe a few more weeks, weather depending,...which has been the shits this year! More fog, lingers longer, night drizzle,... thanks the green gods HR gear is mold resistant!The C99 crosses are sweet candy floral, GhzD is similar, maybe a bit of fuel... MoB's have shown preflowers in the last few days!

Doobie} yeah, I've had Hawaiian mentioned to me a couple times now,... I looked at the numbers, and this stuff is very P-K hot, nearly twice what the similar Sea-grow bloom has (4-24-24),... more is not better when I'm not feeding at full strength anyway,... team Musturd uses Sea-grow, and we all know their results! It's not a taproot thing, mate... I don't know why they stunted out again this time,... I was far more careful with nute's,... :shrug: I'm using different, milder nute's too... don't get me started! you know, I feel.... LOL!

Cres} :woohoo:MoB's have sexed! They have such nice aroma now, I can't wait to see what the buds will bring! I figure they'll be about 7 weeks or so from here,... they're still pushing out nice side branches too....

Mz. S'} nice to see you stop in! :D: I had a quick look at your girls- Wooow! :drool: giggady!! -LOL! Like our Stick-buddy, you really went for it this year, but hang tough GF, the best is yet to come! And boy, do you have some good'uns cookin'! Next year, you should try the MoB's (Maine's own Blueberry)... these are one of Cres' fast photo's, not auto's,... they're fine inside or out... We'll get some nice prelim' reviews from stickman later this year- I can't wait!:D:

003.jpg004.jpg<-- Ghz/C99/C99


Sweet girls!! fantastic aromas developing... more at their thread!
009.jpg<--Crm. Caramel

010.jpg011.jpg<-- Crm. Mandarines, 5 & 3gal.
SO weird lol Must be the outdoor thing and 20/4 lights they get from most of the indoor growers or more..and plus you said fog and stuff so no moon light either.Hmm lol what do plants do with moon light?Gots to look that one up.:stylez rasta smoke:They all look so full of leaf just busting with green ..I love it when they stand up like that and beg for trust me ..specially if you have short plants ..might as well make them as frosty as possible..I see a difference 2 days after use do it dont to it Prestige WORLD WIDE !:WTF:Try 2 with 2 without..I did with Medusa and snow bunny..started using it on SB first and didnt on M and started seeing results so i waited lil longer then hit M with it and boom it was on!
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Not sure if its a perspective thing but those MOB fan leaves look like monsters!!!! :thumbs:
Your rocking down the home stretch good job...!!!
Looking nice Waira going to have some sweet smoke soon Hop digity
DD Jr}- there's no arguing with the equation: more time under light = more growth per unit time, right?.. it really helps with branching.... Moon doesn't do shit, too weak... LOL! None of these, however stubby, are gonna be hash plants fortunately! I been leaning on them with the 4-24-24 stuff, and still feeding that soil some goodies.... aromatics are dyno-mite!! So over the next couple weeks, i'll fatten them up best I can..

WVT}- hey mon, t'anks for stoppin' by! LOL! The MoB's are about 2' now, side branching is well under way! The leaves are beefy,... This plant I think has great size potential.... Gotta pop by and see how that bathroom house plants is doing! :High 5:

Cres} Thanks man! As you can see, the MoB's girls are trying to get some girth put on,... I see preflowers, but the grow points are still talking "taller" -LOL! How fast does she roll through flower cycle? My weather will get steadily better, of course, light hours diminish as well,...

Jayp/ Doob} Thanks guys, you are so right! The C99 crosses especially are just delishhh.... but it's the MoB's that I'm nammys Horney for! LMAO!! ...A week,... pshhh! LOL! DD Jr., I'm betting you're a freakin' furnace! :stylez rasta smoke: :stylez rasta smoke::stylez rasta smoke:
Mob flowering is super fast... 45-55 days