New Grower Waira's Main course of HighRise with a Side of Sweet Creme's....

Just a quick-and-dirty update here... It's been shit-foggy the last couple days, little to no sun! -typical coastal summer pattern.... :shrug::D Certainly, the plants know it, as growth slows notably...

Yoda} Dewd! You're making me foam at the mouth! :D Over both the Amsterdam Mad Strain Bomb testing, and at the future goods,... if I play my cards right! As you see, I've got a little trouble in paradise here, but nothing I can't quash with a little help from knowledgeable homies! I'm in the same Church of Spoiled Rotten MJ Partakers, brother! I'm a Ca boy, legal, surrounded by dispensaries/delivery services, Humboldt vetted (late '80's, end of the Mass Hippy grow era), and I don't/can't drink (no enzymes made by liver for alcohol processing), so fine MJ is my beer, wine, and spirits all I one! LMAO!! :smokeit:
Thanks for the karma Yoda! I could use some extra help to steer this second grow proper! :peace:

Cres} Not the least sign yet, mate!... and that's all good for now,...I've got some triage to do here on a MoB anyway,...

Jm} Roger that! Thank you, too... As noted, I already got hot and bothered by this, and gave them the spray as described previously,... I'll look into a Ca-Mg supp', if it comes to that, but I gather I should wait a bit and see how the plants react,... retreat when/If? I'll get some Epsom anyway, just to have on hand... And thanks for the' manual' as well,... I'll be in touch... :tiphat:

006.jpg<- GhD/C99

004.jpg<- GhD's

008.jpg010.jpg009.jpg< Crm. de chique's
{WEEK 5+}

Well, not much to report at this stage, at least that the pics won't already tell you,...:D The Ca defc. has been stomped on the one MoB! :dance2: -looks like the emergency treatments slowed it way down, and the dedicated Ca-Mg supp' slammed the door on it! The General Organics stuff was reasonably priced, and clearly the plants need the extra occasional shot... I started using it on the orchids too, since they get RO water almost exclusively; I'm curious to see how they'll respond... Otherwise, the bud sites are developing well, despite the puny size on some of them (C99 crosses); the MoB's are still veg'ing, which is great, frankly... the main stems are really beefy! I can't wait to see how these turn out; I've been wanting to try a Blueberry strain of some sort for a while, and the reports have been stellar :brow:...

009.jpg008.jpg<-- MoB's
006.jpg005.jpg<-- GhD/C99's- The rabbit chewed one (L) is making a nice comeback!
004.jpg<-- GhD's- Short but sweet, like expected...

007.jpg<-- Gh/C99/C99- nice and healthy, but are WTF short, which is something I want to figure out why... After the stunting in the previous grow, I was damned careful with the ferts' this time,... sexing out at 3 weeks certainly didn't help! Not having that 1 extra week is looming larger and larger, no pun intended...
LOL! forgot to load the Crm. Girls here today, so here's a link to them at the Sweet thread:
Thanks folks :smoke:
:thumbs: Looking pretty good Waira!! Should be hitting stretch soon!!
005.jpg X's Evil Laugh x I love my night Watch crew! How ya like them apples! She was hanging right above the girls, 8' up or so,... looked like she just finished with a fresh, new web, and ready for the snag n' bag all night diner! :smoke: This is an Oak orb weaver spider, about 2+" across as you see her now... Heheee! ...brilliant!
Yes everything looks great, that first three weeks is so important, if you don't have enough light and fert levels your going to get shorter plants. But your going to end up with a nice bunch of flavors.

**YIPE** Yeah, um, you should be pest free, eh? Holy Moly

Wanted to peek in - been having major brain fog here lately. Nice lookin gals, waira! They already look happier than the last crop! I'm off to post a few pics - hopefully will feel more chatty soon. Take care! :smokebuds:
Hey Cres! I was going to ask you about this,... I'm bummed that this happened again, and I was damn careful with the fert's too... I can't believe this is overfert' stunting; but underfed doesn't make sense either,...they're in Happy Frog, mild but hardly devoid, (surrounded by Roots Organic), so I could let them be for 2+ weeks; they had 2 feedings @ 1/4 strength 3-2-4, soil microbe booster+molasses, a foliar shot of an iron supp. with a 2-0-0 GA, Big Bloom (very low GA), and were getting the most light hours possible for central CA (about 15 total, about 12 actual direct full sun).... they showed no signs of stress, and were just starting to get going before they sexed at 3 weeks and ground to a near halt... man, I just don't know anymore, I thought I had found a balance here,... :shrug:
{WEEK 6.5}

Well, there's no doubt about it- HR autos are hands down the fastest I've seen yet! All are 1 1/2 weeks younger than the Sweet girls, but are now as far, or very nearly so, along in bud development! -Ain't no foolin', mon,..dey be Jammin'! :stylez rasta smoke: The MoB's are still veg'ing, are 17" and 22", side branching looks nice, and that's what I want, since the harvest from the rest of the runts will be meager...still no sign of sexing yet, but it's gotta be soon now... I'm in fact toying with the idea of firing off a couple more GhD/C99's, since they show such speed... The one MoB still is shaky with the Ca issue, which baffles me since I'm pummeling her with extra Ca-Mg; I let up for several days, and yesterday I saw signs of more spotting coming on, just her though...more foliar dosing...:Stones slap: Otherwise, the buds are developing nicely, and the aromatics are coming on! Very tasty, even at this early stage! Even the MoB's have a nice perfume coming on... Man, are those girls gonna be t-a-s-t-y! Next update, I'll try to get some nice c/u shots.... :hump:

003.jpg008.jpg<-- Ghz/C99/C99

002.jpg001.jpg<-- MoB's


007.jpg004.jpg<-- GhD/C99's

...And the Side o' Sweet, which just got bigger! :D:

009.jpg010.jpg<--Crm. Mandarines
011.jpg<-- Crm. Caramel

012.jpg<-- :dance2:More Sweet goodness, part of my badge crop: Red Poison, Sweet Special, Green Poison (fast version, non-auto.. details at the Sweet thread)
LOL only took me 6.5 weeks to get here but you are at the part i like anyway lol DEF DEF get a cal/mag and maybe a silica blast also I found a super frost nute the Grow More Hawaiian bud and bloom OMG get it! its cheep!..Things look allot better then your last grow though..what size pots are you using? could be taproot hitting bottom fast making shorter plants?Also i would say if you are using the same nutes as before could be a factor may have more of what the plant wants for flowering in it then you think.
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EverythIng looks super nice, those mobs are going to be so fat, and fast!

Here at HighRise we have the need for speed!!!
