New Grower Very First Grow 400W LED Dark Devil and Sour Deisel Autos!!!!

Hey, whats up dumbJ. Welcome to AFN, and sorry to hear about your troubles.
I have to agree that it did look over watered to me on that picture with the water drops on the fan leaves. How much water do you put in at the time of watering. Maybe your giving it to much water at the time of feeding? My 2 gallon smart pot is cool of 1 liter of water. So, I would think a 5 gallon would need 2/3rds of a gallon? Just a guess, as I have never done 5 gallon smart pots. Ive done 4.5 gallon platics once, and that took around half a gallon of water.

I grow organic, and can tell you that you wont have to worry about all this PH stuff AT ALL. I never Ph anything. I just mix up my organic nutrient solutions and water. As long as you have a balanced organic mix, you should never really have to worry about it. If you do, its because the soil mix was wrong. To much lime or something to acidic. So, I HIGHly recommend the organic solution for your PH/apartment issues. Its a lot less stress. Specially if you go with a more super soil TLO mix. Then you could essentially water from seed to harvest...except you will probably want to have some general organic calmag, and some good molasses. Grandmas is fine. Liquid kelp wouldnt hurt either. If you had those 3 things + a solid TLO recipe located in the organic section of the forum. You could just sit back, and relax. Knowing your going to have a great grow. Only have to worry about over/under watering. Thats easy to get the hang of, as it sounds like you do. You do the lift test if Im not mistaken/knuckle test.

You picked solid genetics. So, they can brute through a lot of issues and still give you great smoke.
If you ever want a faster reply on emergency problems. Id highly recommend going to the 24/7 live help thread at the top of the forum. Only Mods/high team members can comment on help. So, there is super solid experiences growers commenting in there.

Cheers my friend, and karma to your grow.
Their not as bad as you think. With the help of this forum, you will make a quick turnaround. :Sharing One::karma Cloud:
Hey man, I'm a new grower and I started a Sour Diesel a few weeks ago so I'm subbing to this thread, I also have some Dark Devil seeds and so I'm curious for some updates. How's it going?