New Grower Mephesto Group Grow: Scene 1

Well Ghost Toof & Fantasmo Express came down today, day 66. Here are some photos...

Ghost Toof - wet trimmed weight: 325g (+45g quality trim)

Fantasmo Express - wet trimmed weight: 494g (+31g trim) - top colas felt like cauliflower...

Fans Removed

Lastly, here is Grapey Walter 2 - 'lil purple frost factory...


...Grapey Walter 1 is next.
Just a couple Grapey Walter 1 pics at 72 days young - the waiting game in full effect. I'm basically stopping the feed and waiting another week, then it's chop-chop time (Fantasmo too).

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I see purple!! She’s purdy for sure. What are your temps? Harvested my GW way too early but I never saw the slightest sign of purple. My temps were 70/75.

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I see purple!! She’s purdy for sure. What are your temps? Harvested my GW way too early but I never saw the slightest sign of purple. My temps were 70/75.
I've been working on keeping the temps lower, down to 19C for lights out and 24C during daylight. If you look back a page (9) you can see Grapey Walter 1 as well, really good color. That one is coming down tonight at day 78 (EDIT: Sorry didn't read your post carefully - thought you were referring to GW2 above). We'll see how the totals go, but I'm happy with the training results after all.
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I've been working on keeping the temps lower, down to 19C for lights out and 24C during daylight. If you look back a page (9) you can see Grapey Walter 1 as well, really good color. That one is coming down tonight at day 78. We'll see how the totals go, but I'm happy with the training results after all.

We have similar temps so that tells me I took my GW down way too 20 days too early. One GW seed left so I’ll try again in the not too distant future. Thanks for your reply.

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So down comes Grapey Walter 1 at day 77. Weird plant, I had no idea how to trim it. There was really no part of it that wasn't covered in flowers and lots of foxtailing. This is the first plant that I could see what airy buds were like.

Trimmed Wet Weight: 250g (110g trim - many under developed lower buds included)


Foxtails - I know nothing about them...


Well Ghost Toof & Fantasmo Express came down today, day 66. Here are some photos...

Ghost Toof - wet trimmed weight: 325g (+45g quality trim)
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Fantasmo Express - wet trimmed weight: 494g (+31g trim) - top colas felt like cauliflower...
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Fans Removed
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Lastly, here is Grapey Walter 2 - 'lil purple frost factory...
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...Grapey Walter 1 is next.
Great pics! :drool: Congratulations on the harvest! :slap: