New Grower Very First Grow 400W LED Dark Devil and Sour Deisel Autos!!!!

Feb 22, 2015
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Hi, All!! New to the forum but been reading for awhile.

This will be my very first grow and post, Set-Up is as follows:
-Apollo Horticulture Tent 36"x36"x72"
-Two 5 Gallon Smart pots
-2\3 Fox Farms Ocean Forest mixed and 1\3 Pre Rinsed Perlite
-Using distilled water until I run out when I will switch to RO in a week or so
-Apollo Horticulture 400W LED 80x5W (currently 60cm over seedlings)
-VenTech 4" inline 100cfm for air cycling (do I need a bigger fan?)

2 Plant Autoflower grow. Left is Sweet Seeds Dark Devil and Right is Dinafem Sour Diesel. Both germinated in cup of water and planted 6 days ago.

Current temps are between 67F and 81F. Having trouble keeping it steady around 70F due to temperature fluctuation outside. Humidity during sprouting was 80% to help seeds take and current humidity stays around 48%-65% depending on time of day. Have the lights set up for 18/6. I have decided against any sort of pruning or training at this time being my very first plants.

I unfortunately spent all liquid cash I had so my shopping list still contains: A digital PH meter, PH up & down, Fox Farms Trio (used at 1\4 strength), and a CAN 2600 Filter 90cfm

Wish me luck Guys! And, any advice would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance!
(Pictures soon!!)
Thanks Rich, I appreciate it yo. I'm sure there's a lot to be learned. I'm just hoping I don't ruin everything on this run. I feel like they're already a little stunted for their age, but I'm hoping it's growing down instead of up.
Good luck DJ! :)

You're in the right place for the right advice! :) Both Sweet Seeds and Dinafem rock - I'm a big sweet seeds fan.
That digital PH meter is gonna have to be the next thing on your list - It's really important.

Then i'd save for the fan and filter - it is the MOST important part for your safety and ease of mind come flowering time.

Good luck with the first grow - here's hoping we get to a harvest! :d5:
I am excited to see this. I have a dinafem auto sour diesel that is about a week old now and I haven't been able to find too much on it. Good luck with the grow! Can'take wait to see how our girls turn out!
Day 9:
It's almost bed time for the ladies, gave them a bit of water and sprayed down the tent well to help raise the humidity when the lights go out. Still worried they may be a little small for their age but I'm not going to let it bother me too much.

Oh, and, pictures today!!

Sweet Seeds Dark Devil

Dinafem Sour Desiel

Grow Space

Thanks for the encouragement guys! Here's hoping! Any questions, comments, or wise wisdom to pass along? [emoji39]
Dont stress, i found under leds they start a bit slow but take off eventually, for me it has been around 3 weeks before the growth really exploded. Looks good to me, just be patient and keep up the good work:d5:
Day 20:
The ladies are looking beautiful. Got a Ph meter and some of Earth Juice's Natural Up & Down and started giving them 6.5 RO water around day 12 and started feeding with some of GO's CaMg+ yesterday and they basically exploded overnight!
Sweet Seeds Dark Devil

Dinafem Sour Diesel


I've not decided if I should use the Fox Farms Trio or which other nutes to get, I keep reading mixed reviews. I'm all ears for suggestions!! Should I start my veg nutes as soon as I can or should I wait a little longer?
Also should I raise or lower my lights? They're around 20 inches off the taller Dark Devil. Can they be closer or should I back them off?
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Welcome bro! Just a small thing on your shopping list - don't worry about buying ph up, you'll find your tap water or the RO water will already be enough to bring your ph level up if you need to. Ph down is essential :)
You can use white vinegar to bring the PH down. That costs almost nothing, and works great.