Indoor Vapo's Skyline 400(Mk2) + CMH Adventure!!

Howdy @Vapo69 ! Thrilled you have another 3BOG going. Topping her huh? Somehow, I don’t believe her training will end there! :naughtystep:
She’s definitely on my short list. So tough to decide these days. Interesting Mephisto is using her for some new crosses I hear.
I’m just finishing some Portal auto’s and have a couple photo’s outside. The Fall will bring 3BOG for sure. :pass:
LED lights require new thinking about the way we measure light spectrum for use by plants. The typical rating most growers are familiar with is the “lumen.” The definition of the lumen is the total light produced within the range of the human visual response. It tells us nothing about the distribution of that light energy over the spectrum, and most importantly, it doesn’t tell us how much is useful for plants.

The problem with lumens is especially pronounced when measuring light at the far ends of the human visual response curve. Consider three lamps—red, green and blue—each emitting the same number of watts of optical energy. The red and blue lamps would have much lower lumen ratings compared to the green lamp, simply because the human visual response is very low at red and blue, and highest at green. That’s why a high lumen rating does not necessarily make a lamp better suited to growing plants. Similarly, light meters that measure in “lux” tell us very little about a lamp’s plant-growing power. The light sensors in lux meters have their own spectral response curves which may over- or under-measure light at various colors. This is why lux meters usually have different settings for “sunlight,” “fluorescent” and “incandescent” lamps. Again, because lux meters are meant for measuring the amount of light usable by humans, they don’t tell us anything about how plants will respond.

@Vapo69 @arty zan Everything you are saying about measuring PAR and PPFD is true but a good meter is expensive. If you are not in the business of building lights it is not worth the purchase. I do disagree about the value of a LUX or Lumen meter. Even though they are not measuring PAR light they are measuring an intensity value of the light they see in a given spot. You can use this information to balance the light placement over your canopy to get a more even distribution. There are Apps that will run on your phone that are free or very cheap that can be useful in that regard.
Howdy @Vapo69 ! Thrilled you have another 3BOG going. Topping her huh? Somehow, I don’t believe her training will end there! :naughtystep:
She’s definitely on my short list. So tough to decide these days. Interesting Mephisto is using her for some new crosses I hear.
I’m just finishing some Portal auto’s and have a couple photo’s outside. The Fall will bring 3BOG for sure. :pass:
Happy you looked in and hope you are well :yay:.....haha yeah, she is going to get the works, she is my last one so ima maximize to the best of my abilities :smiley1:
@arty zan You said it mate...PAR IS THE KIIING....if I cant measure it accuratly then I am just going to go with the flow......I have had some great results with just the CMH....but now I have the Skyline as well.......yeah, i'm just going to watch the magic grow :smiley1:
Happy you looked in and hope you are well :yay:.....haha yeah, she is going to get the works, she is my last one so ima maximize to the best of my abilities :smiley1:
You know I love your work @Vapo69 , but I’ve been pretty absent on AFN of late. Mostly running HPG and Portal strains. I’m going to run some Mephisto and Night Owl Strains in the Fall. Maybe even journal them... lol. Closing the tent 1July for a break.
@Vapo69 @arty zan Everything you are saying about measuring PAR and PPFD is true but a good meter is expensive. If you are not in the business of building lights it is not worth the purchase. I do disagree about the value of a LUX or Lumen meter. Even though they are not measuring PAR light they are measuring an intensity value of the light they see in a given spot. You can use this information to balance the light placement over your canopy to get a more even distribution. There are Apps that will run on your phone that are free or very cheap that can be useful in that regard.
Thanks @Mañ'O'Green glad you popped in :smiley1:
You know I love your work @Vapo69 , but I’ve been pretty absent on AFN of late. Mostly running HPG and Portal strains. I’m going to run some Mephisto and Night Owl Strains in the Fall. Maybe even journal them... lol. Closing the tent 1July for a break.
Thank you very much :bighug:....very nice of you to say, I will try my best with her :smiley1:
leaf temps with LED lights are another thing to keep an eye on. 72 to 76 degrees is ideal.
Gutted Rip, I dont have a thermal imager.....but I am experiencing "Caymen teeth" on the STB at about 24"
eBay has good thermal. Guns for cheap.