Indoor Vapo Grows Purple Ayahuasca For JB.

Really looking forward to watching these ladies flower!! You're gonna have some stunning bud there dude, will be nice to see you work your magic on a photo too!

Peace bro.
.....thank you bro....looking forward to some flowers too....fingers crossed for purple buds dude haha:hookah:
Hello afn......little update, I have flipped on Saturday and am looking forward to the budshow....and @RivetGrrl on the PA, I have tied down the apical meristem....or the side that took dominance and left the smaller to rise and flourish:pass:View attachment 1118126View attachment 1118127View attachment 1118128

Training looks great, she's happy with it too :smoking:
Meristematic tissue is fascinating do some research on it if ya please and see how wonderful and amazing plants are :growing:(we need an emoji of someone hugging a plant, lol).
Training looks great, she's happy with it too :smoking:
Meristematic tissue is fascinating do some research on it if ya please and see how wonderful and amazing plants are :growing:(we need an emoji of someone hugging a plant, lol).
....Thank you, yeah she/they look fantastic considering.....I have left them alone for days now while they change gear...just rotate a bit now and then, thanks for the recommendation to....I will look it up:pass:
I wouldn't worry about hermies, although they can happen with any strain, a true hermies is most likely to occur with pure and mostly Sativa strains Sativas. They are also the most likely for stress related pollen sacks. Stress related pollen sacks are not genetically transmitted. If you see one or a few, clip them off and keep an eye out for more, though usually there are only a couple to a few to be found, and often, once removed your good. You can tell a true hermie as they sprout the pollen sack from within a bud.

And your girls are looking good!
I wouldn't worry about hermies, although they can happen with any strain, a true hermies is most likely to occur with pure and mostly Sativa strains Sativas. They are also the most likely for stress related pollen sacks. Stress related pollen sacks are not genetically transmitted. If you see one or a few, clip them off and keep an eye out for more, though usually there are only a couple to a few to be found, and often, once removed your good. You can tell a true hermie as they sprout the pollen sack from within a bud.

And your girls are looking good!
...Absolutely fantastic @pop22 ....that there, was exactly what I was looking for dude....thank you:d5::pass:
looking great vapo i didn't realise you were doing photos this time around i will follow with interest
looking great vapo i didn't realise you were doing photos this time around i will follow with interest
......thank you bro... :d5: ...I wish Barneys Farm did an auto of this strain....that would be quite something, I think:headbang:
.....Hello is a little update on the PA....its just a ittle over the first week since the flip and they are ramping up now...when they reach the edge of the pot, I am just gonna let them go up.....I watered and moved/re-set the ties about 2hrs ago....and I noticed that just like a pizza, the extra topping probably wasn't worthwhile as they look so similar....what do you think dudes and dudettes?..

.....Hello is a little update on the PA....its just a ittle over the first week since the flip and they are ramping up now...when they reach the edge of the pot, I am just gonna let them go up.....I watered and moved/re-set the ties about 2hrs ago....and I noticed that just like a pizza, the extra topping probably wasn't worthwhile as they look so similar....what do you think dudes and dudettes?..View attachment 1121267View attachment 1121268
View attachment 1121266
It could just be the pictures or the strain but they look a little hungry to me?
It could just be the pictures or the strain but they look a little hungry to me?
.....well, now you mention it....90% of what I have grown ever since I swapped nutes has had a pale-ish colour.....I'm not overjoyed with the Organicus line from these..... so I am going to try their Coco A+B with the other products I have left and then switch to a previous brand I have used, I actually discussed this with a friend earlier lol :headbang: ...I wonder if I should switch now?.....or hold the line with the Organicus?......