Indoor Vapo Grows.......Fugue State with Remo

hi pal i use remo all the time i have had this happen on a few bottles on me the foil isnt on correctly and the card stays in lid it can get messy least you know its not just you but the good thing is you can grow monsters with remo
I wonder if @RemoNutrients can answer any questions for me?....or maybe address the little probs I had/have?.......
On another side note, I fimmed her earlier and no white hairs or calyx were visible......tomorrow will see if my theory is right???:crying:
i won some of the food on a stoner live interview on here thats when i first started using it but i am a big fan of it as i have bought the supercharged kit again and again it works out cheaper plus my buds are always chunky and i have had very few issues lockouts ect and i feed with food from the begging and flowing the calculator from them on . also i think you can email or ring them but me being in the uk i think phoning is out the question as i think there in Canada
Hello guy's and gal's..:toke:...well what can I say but "FUGUE ME!" this little lady enjoyed her Fim :vibe:.....bumps on the lower nodes indicate a shift in power and everything...:crying:....I took the 4 biggest fan leaves today to let some 'shine to the lower ones.:woody:...woohoo..:woody:.can't wait, can't wait, can't wait!!! Fugue 2 I'm lovin you:smiley1:
i won some of the food on a stoner live interview on here thats when i first started using it but i am a big fan of it as i have bought the supercharged kit again and again it works out cheaper plus my buds are always chunky and i have had very few issues lockouts ect and i feed with food from the begging and flowing the calculator from them on . also i think you can email or ring them but me being in the uk i think phoning is out the question as i think there in Canada
Thanks for the post.:toke:...TBH after thinking about what you said, I dont have any gripe with the actual nutes themselves:bow:.....I like them too, no deficiency so far on any of the 2 or 3 different strains I'm using Remo on:vibe:...just the bottle things I said really, packaging is a small part of it, but the rest is really just seems a shame to let that little a stain on an otherwise 5 star product....IDK maybe I just got a "bad batch!" of bottles......nutes are fine lol:vibes::thanks:
I totally forgot to look the day after the fim see if she showed sex the day after haha...but I noticed white pistils today:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:
aaaaaaaaannnndddd I also did some LST.:jump:....and I caught most of it in a pic for the strawberry nuggets thread ..:hump:...ssssoooo I'm lazily going to post the same picture here but ask you to look at a different thing in the can see the white pistils on the left.:joy:...also i'm stoned haha:baked:
Well Ladies and Gentlemen.....Fugue 2 is really impressing me...great growth and I believe she is about to Crown...she is on 18/6 now....just to see if it suits better...:bow::pass:....also she is bushing out nicely :vibe::note::vibe:
Quick note......I looked in at her earlier and at the top's she is spitting out pistils like I think she is Defo starting to crown:bow::toke:....I will be switching her to bloom nutes very soon:vibe::vibe: