@arty zan dude.....On your Avatar, are you the fish in the middle, on its own...going against the mainstream like me?....
Indeed I am bro!
That's not to say "I don't want to interact with folk or be at odds with anyone". You know that.
I, as you know, put time and thought into everything I do, this doesn't mean I'm always correct,far from it.
I often make mistakes but in order to learn from those mistakes, I will consider things and situations and then, I will make up my own mind on how to proceed!
To follow what everyone else does or is doing, without having any semblance of a thought process, is pure folly.
Sometimes I will do the same as others do because not all things, that are done by the collective masses are stupid or thoughtless but you have to be able to think for yourself in order to realize that, in order to gain a clear focus and then make an informed opinion!
Sometimes being different shocks people but then sometimes, we all need to be shocked, in order to wake us up from the hypnogogic trance like state of mind, that we can all fall into (the state of mind, between consciousness and unconsciousness, often associated with falling asleep).
Some people will walk through life,totally unaware of all that is around them aka a thoughtless (numb) state of existing, where mental processes still occur but not through any deliberate thought processes.
A mindless beast that just follows what they are told to do and how to think (which when you think about it, isn't actually any kind of thinking but instead is just a form of indoctrination), I think we both know that is not us!
In the words of Timothy Leary "think for yourself & question authority" definitely something to live by.
"Now I see" said the blind man.
OK waffle over!