I know bro, it's a really good deal, I am ultra interested in the results with the chlorine meter, please keep me posted bro....do you think if a solution reads chlorine free....then it is also chloramine free too?...Eco Neutralise claims to remove both!!......and yes to both on the Meta and Solar bro haha....
Edit:....I use bio with half strength nutes bro lol...dry forgot that haha
Ooooh seams I got my learning hat on tonight!
The difference between Chlorine and Chloramine is the addition of ammonia which binds to the Chlorine, which keep the chlorine in the water for a much greater period of time.
Good for water companies not so good for growers.
It seem the old methods of getting rid of the Chlorine by bubbling or leaving in buckets for 24 hours etc, in no longer effective in removing the Chlorine.
Using a de-chlorinator will get rid of the Chlorine but leave behind the Ammonia, which is then broken down by the beneficial “nitrifying” bacteria to nitrite and then nitrate, in what is known as the Nitrogen Cycle.
It doesn't look like the Ammonia is a problem and so measuring it isn't needed and the meter cost a lot, although if you want there are inexpensive test strip which can be used for peace of mind.
Google you local water company and see what is in their water, they will list all additions, As mention my water company only ad Chlorine and don't add anything else. It will also tell you if your water is hard or soft and the PH of it.
So my thoughts (draw you own conclusion) is that Ecothrive Neutralise (very concentrated Vitamin C) will do the job and measuring for Chlorine is all that is need if you want to check your water is clear of Chlorine.
It looks like the Concentated Vitamin C is quickly oxidised by the Chlorine and chloramine (if present). In this process the chlorine compounds are reduced to chloride, which is harmless to microbes. Chloride is also a micronutrient, required by plants at very low levels.
Check you local water website and see what in the water, the above could all be just academic if there is no Chloramine in it lol.
A chlorine meter is useful to see what the levels of Chlorine is, if you have more that 0.6mg/L total chlorine then you can use a double dose, 2 drops or 1 ml per 10L.
Nitrite and the law for water companies
Nitrate occurs naturally in all source waters although higher concentrations can occur when the water passes through agricultural land. High nitrate waters can be blended with low nitrate waters to ensure the level is below the standard. Water Companies also work with the Environment Agency and farmers to reduce the amount of nitrate entering the water. The standard is 50 mg/l.
Nitrite can occur in source waters but can also be formed when chloramine is used as the residual disinfectant in the water supply. ***my water supplier*** does not use chloramine. Two standards apply, one for water leaving the treatment works – 0.1 mg/l and one for the water at the consumers’ taps – 0.5 mg/l.
Some water authorities in the UK use Chloramine , some use Chlorine.
I just checked my local water company and they use Chlorine, I guess I will need to check reguarly as they won't be sending out a letter to tell me if they change it to Chloramine.
Apologies if I have repeated myself at all , late here and just enough time for a vape before bed!
See you on the other side bro!
I'll come back to the Buddha Tree Solar tomorrow as I am knackered and my brain is starting to go to mush.
I gone too far down the rabbit hole for one tonight LMAO