Checking up on the girls.
All courtesy of our delightful sponsors:
@Dank Nuggets and
@Sawney_bean -- cheers guys!
Cute couple set 1: Lecter + Strawberry/Blue Nuggets
Cute couple set 2: Lecter + Strawberry/Blue Nuggets
Cute couple set 1: Two Lecters
Tiny Lecter that was completely root-bound for weeks before planting out, and then munched to near death by slugs:
But the frost!
Happier and healthier older Lecter
Maybe a bit of color coming through here.
Colder nights may bring some fun!
Another pair totally root-bound for weeks before planting out.
Not sure what she is, Nugget, Purple Moon Rock, Lecter, ... something else??!
Tiny, but damn, the frost on that lower one is bad-ass!
Another older cute couple of Lecter ladies:
Happy end to the weekend!
Peace and love,