are they different strains also the biotabs take a long time to break down and the light mix should keep them fed for at least a couple of weeks so I wouldn't be putting your biotabs in just yet but I will tag @Bob's Auto's .also here are my 2 fastbuds solo cups getting close to the finish for my UK homies

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The 2 pots with no green in them yet are Auto Creepers from SSSC and the rest are @Sawney_bean lecter.
I'm thinking either the lights are too bright at 100% power & 27 inches hanging hight
Or water was too cold, checked the water temp today and it was at 16.7°c
When I measured it at the time of watering it was at 21°c but I was using my old thermometer then so maybe it was wrong measurement.
Gona turn the power down to 7O % to see if any changes happen, & double check water temp on tge next feed.
Hopefully I'm ok and it grows away
The 2 pots with no green in them yet are Auto Creepers from SSSC and the rest are @Sawney_bean lecter.
I'm thinking either the lights are too bright at 100% power & 27 inches hanging hight
Or water was too cold, checked the water temp today and it was at 16.7°c
When I measured it at the time of watering it was at 21°c but I was using my old thermometer then so maybe it was wrong measurement.
Gona turn the power down to 7O % to see if any changes happen, & double check water temp on tge next feed.
Hopefully I'm ok and it grows away
I've grown the autocreepers a long time ago I had a full tent of like spears
Day 9
Got a few with minor yellowing on the leafs,
would that mean the lightmix was abit hot?
Got my Biotabs here and ready to drop them in the pots but the slight yellow got me worried that if I put them in now it might be too hot and think hold back another week or a few days before I add them.View attachment 1490046View attachment 1490047View attachment 1490048View attachment 1490049
Ok, this looks like a pH issue. What's the pH of the water you we're giving again? Also the soil looks dry, but that can be superficial ;)

Wanted to try the just water approach this time with the Tabs only, so set up a drip system to do the watering for me.
I did test it out the other day about premature so I think that's the priblem.
Water only approach works if you added the necessary bacteria, which you did not. If I'm correct you ordered the BioTabs, Orgatrex and something else.
But you need the Startrex, Silicium Flash and Bactrex to activate the soil. Then when planting the seedlings you introduce the mycelia in the form of Mycotrex to the soil and all the work is done. From then on you only need to water with unadulterated tapwater.

What you should be doing, assuming you haven't already, is adjusting your tapwater's pH to 6.5 and then give the plants their water and this should also work, but slower as there aren't as much bacteria in the BioTabs themselves.
Like I told you via dm, to take full advantage of the BioTabs nutrient line you need the bacteria and mycelia, these are key and do all the work for ya :thumbsup:
Hi all, just a wee pic of my latest smoking contraption. She gets some good write ups, can't wait to break her in later this evening!

Ok, this looks like a pH issue. What's the pH of the water you we're giving again? Also the soil looks dry, but that can be superficial ;)

Water only approach works if you added the necessary bacteria, which you did not. If I'm correct you ordered the BioTabs, Orgatrex and something else.
But you need the Startrex, Silicium Flash and Bactrex to activate the soil. Then when planting the seedlings you introduce the mycelia in the form of Mycotrex to the soil and all the work is done. From then on you only need to water with unadulterated tapwater.

What you should be doing, assuming you haven't already, is adjusting your tapwater's pH to 6.5 and then give the plants their water and this should also work, but slower as there aren't as much bacteria in the BioTabs themselves.
Like I told you via dm, to take full advantage of the BioTabs nutrient line you need the bacteria and mycelia, these are key and do all the work for ya :thumbsup:
Went and done a few tests to try figue out the problem.

Temp 17°c
PH 6.6
ppm 88

Temp 18°c
PH 6.8
Ppm 89

Temp 22°c
PH 6.9
Ppm 99
The thermometer i ways using before must of been faulty. Cos the new one reads alot lower temps than the old one,
Before I did the dripper test I checked and the res and it was 21°c
So I think I fed them water at 16/17°c cos the pH seems ok in all 4 tests I done,
even the soil test is ok
cos I removed the worst looking one and tested it.
Water in at 7 pH mixed & sat for 30 mins, 6.6 pH
I have 3 Bronson seeds germing on standby and 2 pots refilled with soil.
Hi all, just a wee pic of my latest smoking contraption. She gets some good write ups, can't wait to break her in later this evening!

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Bustin for one of these bro.. joints and bongs are wrecking me much as I love them.. but just havent accepted the price tag yet lol I'm workin on it though.