UK people be dying in a 36C heat-wave.
Ganja be dancing and smiling, feeling she's back in her ancestral home.
The herb loves the heat and the sun!
Here's some shots of my Sawney Beans' mostly Lecters and a few Strawberry/Blue Nuggets:
Three pots with some Lecters and Nuggests about to plant out.
The beans were dropped on July 3 (Lecters) and 4 (Nuggets), popped on the 10th and 11th, so are 8 / 9 days out of the ground today.
A pair of happy young Lecters:
Larger Lecter and smaller Nuggets:
Another pair of larger Lecter and smaller Nuggets:
Older sister of the Lecters.
I think the seed was dropped (or popped?) on May 24.
This makes her almost 8 weeks old today.
Just started in a small cell pot in a community greenhouse,
transplanted out after about 15-20 days, a little root-bound, but okay.
Plant out is just dig a little hole in the ground, about 2L size/depth, and plant in.
Water every so often, and a handful of blood-fish-bone fert about a week okay, washed in.
Frost is on point for these Lecters!!
The new seedlings now planted out, in the same area as the older Lecter above:
The pair of Lecters:
Lector + Nuggets:
Lecter and Nuggets second pair:
Another earlier pair of Lecters, same age as the older one above, almost 8 weeks now:
They're in a different spot, a bit drier, poorer soil.
They picked up recently with the blood-fish-bone fertilizer wash in.
Smaller than the one above, but just as frosty!
Meanwhile, back home in the back yard, and two pots, each with a Lecter and a Nugget:
Will be looking to plant out soon.
Stay happy and hydrated people!
Love and hugs,