Hello yea it is good just have to tweak the cages which i have found out for next time
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View attachment 1488964
Happy growing you know it makes sense :smoking: :smoking:

Unbelievable m8 :thumbsup: love that.. stupid question time.. your roots have been suspended in water there I assume yea??will u be transplanting in coco?? If so is it just a case of make a hole and plop the roots in?? I mean as the roots aren't attached to any media as such if u get me?? So much rootage for such little babies.. and looking very healthy as well.
Those roots :biggrin:, very healthy. Are you going to pot those up into your Coco or DWC?

hello @hope2grow @DeanOnAuto no going to just let them grow in it as got enough in grow drobe and gives me a chance to muck about with it and see how they do :smoking:
hello @hope2grow @DeanOnAuto no going to just let them grow in it as got enough in grow drobe and gives me a chance to muck about with it and see how they do :smoking:
You'll need to make a mini SCROG for them:jointman:, I hope they all go the distance :jointman:
UK people be dying in a 36C heat-wave.
Ganja be dancing and smiling, feeling she's back in her ancestral home.
The herb loves the heat and the sun!

Here's some shots of my Sawney Beans' mostly Lecters and a few Strawberry/Blue Nuggets:

Three pots with some Lecters and Nuggests about to plant out.
The beans were dropped on July 3 (Lecters) and 4 (Nuggets), popped on the 10th and 11th, so are 8 / 9 days out of the ground today.

A pair of happy young Lecters:

Larger Lecter and smaller Nuggets:

Another pair of larger Lecter and smaller Nuggets:

Older sister of the Lecters.
I think the seed was dropped (or popped?) on May 24.
This makes her almost 8 weeks old today.

Just started in a small cell pot in a community greenhouse,
transplanted out after about 15-20 days, a little root-bound, but okay.

Plant out is just dig a little hole in the ground, about 2L size/depth, and plant in.
Water every so often, and a handful of blood-fish-bone fert about a week okay, washed in.

Frost is on point for these Lecters!!

The new seedlings now planted out, in the same area as the older Lecter above:
The pair of Lecters:

Lector + Nuggets:

Lecter and Nuggets second pair:

Another earlier pair of Lecters, same age as the older one above, almost 8 weeks now:

They're in a different spot, a bit drier, poorer soil.
They picked up recently with the blood-fish-bone fertilizer wash in.

Smaller than the one above, but just as frosty!

Meanwhile, back home in the back yard, and two pots, each with a Lecter and a Nugget:

Will be looking to plant out soon.

Stay happy and hydrated people!

Love and hugs,
Get some Mychorizal fungi if your using big pots mate,
Id definitely recommend fabric pots for sure.
Any clues on pot size/material?
Hey mate. Sorry I haven’t got back sooner. I haven’t been online much lately for a number of life reasons….

56 litre fab pot. Running hesi. My transplanted plants have taken really fucking well to the light mix. I’m still only hand watering too. Topped them a few days back and the little side branches have already taken hold. They’re currently in 18 litre plastic pots but once a few autos come down I’ll pot them on into the fabs then. It’s gonna be a pain but I’ve managed to transplant a 30 litre into a 76 in the past lol
Good day growers .another 5 days later .I did defol the big lady same day after last update.best to have good air flow around a plant and buds,for a happy plant,and keep the mold away.the buds keep swelling and throwing out her white hairs ,think il keep her green for 2 more weeks ,then no more feed,then late fade begin. This plant is an unbelievable specimen.some of the side buds ,well alot are as big as the mains up top outstanding for sure.suprised me with pure power of this lady.if u have not grown @Antonio_DutchPassion automazar,then Ur missing out growers.and remember ,a plant is what u make it;)

Keep it green growers, keep safe and happy growing every1;)
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