Do you fancy this @St. Tom? :jointman: Solo Cup grow.
i have 2 on the go now these 2 are fastbuds strains at day 43 and at the moment I'm still a bit full sadly for a while
I’m currently doing an auto run with two photos quietly going through veg in 3 litre pots. It’s getting time to transplant these two ladies but this time I’ve decided to ditch the coco and go for soil! anyone who has seen my past grows knows I’m either solely coco or hydro. I’m busting for this one. I got a big BIG plan for this one coming so be prepared for a new journal (it’s been a while since I’ve done one). I’m not gonna put it together until my first lot of autos are down tho as I don’t wanna complicate the grow as they’re all in the same tent. But I’ll give you a clue as what I’m up too……

HLG650R- two plants- one kilo attempt!

Not an auto grow related comment sincere apologies, but just a thought that nocked in my head...

Why don't growers after harvesting their PP plants, instead of killing the plant, leave a few main stems and lower budsites (larfy sections) for it to reveg and start another grow? I mean... The root ball is still there healthy and functioning, it no longer has to put much energy into growing hearty branches... It will reveg from multiple sites compared to starting a clone or seed where it starts growing from one site.

I ask this because last year my mum stole one of my plants, a failure which I was going to throw away. It was just a few thin branches throwing gang signs, she kept it in the shed, no light, and it started budding. The buds where like cornflakes. Nothing nice. It's been a whole year and May this year I found it in her shed! So I got it out and left it in the sun (that little heatwave we got the other week) and it immediately started re vegging! Within 2 weeks she's was growing tops from multiple locations. I transplanted her when I saw this. To the point now she looks absolutely beautiful now, I want to flower her.




Can we not just run an infinite cycle like this?
Here are my dig a little hole in the ground, throw in a root-bound seedling auto, forget about them and leave to the slugs and bad English weather plants, all courtesy of @Sawney_bean and @Dank Nuggets ' generosity. Terrible looking grow, as they are in the worst conditions outside, but the sticky icky is there, and the flavors (and sometimes colors) are on point.

Older Strawberry/Blue Nuggests plant.
In a pot with a bunch of woody dirt, hidden in over grown long grass:



Was just going to water, but she's ripe, so picked and hung from a shady tree branch to dry outside:

A couple of slightly younger Lecters.
Were root bound when planted out into a small hole in the ground, no amendments / fert, so a bit yellow:


Right next to her another Lecter:


These two, maybe White Chem, maybe Purple Moon Rocks, totally root bound when they went out, so micro-buds in flower:

The other older Strawberry/Blue Nuggets, in the ground, but now over grown with weeds, so sunlight is a bit restricted:

A bit frostier than the first one, and will be ready in maybe a week, as still some white pistils here and there:

Third Strawberry/Blue Nuggets, was totally eaten by slugs when young, and this is a side shoot, but totally over grown by weeds:

Have another couple of Lecters in another spot, in the ground, looking nice but couldn't photo because people nearby.
Better deep green color than the ones above, but they had been slug chewed a fair bit. Nice trich development though.

Meanwhile, back yard in the sun (9 AM to about 4 PM due to fence) are five pots, with six more Lecters and four Strawberry/Blue Nuggets.
The Lecters have all just popped up yesterday, Nuggets should be soon.
Pots are 1/2 liter I think, and have better soil, from those tomato grow bags plus coco fiber and worm castings.
Hope to plant out when they show 3- or 5-leaflet leaves, maybe day 14 or so, if the weather is okay.
Will need to prepare holes for them on the site.
As these Nuggets and Lecters are quite fast, hopefully they'll be ready by ... mid to late September.
Just hope I'm able to stay in the country long enough to reap the harvest...
To reiterate: most sad-ass plants I've grown, but it's not the genetics, its the bad conditions and treatment (or lack thereof) from me.
You can see the quality of the seed in the trich development, color, and speed of maturity, which is what they're bred for.
To reiterate: most sad-ass plants I've grown, but it's not the genetics, its the bad conditions and treatment (or lack thereof) from me.
You can see the quality of the seed in the trich development, color, and speed of maturity, which is what they're bred for.

I can guarantee you that every UK grower on here knows we ain't got the climate for it lol but it's worth a shot anyway.. anything smokable that comes at the end is a bonus.. fair play to you for giving it a go girl.. you'll definitely get a smoke or 2 out of it.. if you're here long enough :d5:
Hello fellow growers just a little pic of my sticky fingers i love this cultivar the smell is sweet and spicey.She is budding up nice she is on day 39 so still plenty of time to fatten up some more
Here is Sticky in 2Ltr pot

From the top

Happy growing you know it makes sense :smoking: :smoking:
Hello fellow growers just a little pic of my sticky fingers i love this cultivar the smell is sweet and spicey.She is budding up nice she is on day 39 so still plenty of time to fatten up some more
Here is Sticky in 2Ltr pot
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From the top
View attachment 1484646
Happy growing you know it makes sense :smoking: :smoking:
nice show off dude. Prefect plant. :woohoo1: