also bro have you seen how many views this threads had that's some kick-arse nos
No mate I don't know how many views to be fair.when I first made this was very quiet at first. Not many growers had the trust to post and share.but now this thread is well alive ,full of UK class for sure.gota thank all u growers for chiming in.cause without all u fellow growers.this thread would not be a big thanks and respect to u all the uk growers in this thread for posting and making it what it is today.keep safe and happy growing every1;)
No mate I don't know how many views to be fair.when I first made this was very quiet at first. Not many growers had the trust to post and share.but now this thread is well alive ,full of UK class for sure.gota thank all u growers for chiming in.cause without all u fellow growers.this thread would not be a big thanks and respect to u all the uk growers in this thread for posting and making it what it is today.keep safe and happy growing every1;)
check that out bro also a load of us pop in here daily
there you go.PNG
Thanks for that mate .that is some insane numbers .more uk growers here than u think I'm class.keep safe everybody and happy growing every1;)

I'm the site stats guy; the UK makes up nearly 25-30% of our active user base at any given time. :d5:
I'm the site stats guy; the UK makes up nearly 25-30% of our active user base at any given time. :d5:
Thankyou for chiming in. And them stats show a very healthy thread for the community.did not expect that. Thanks for saying;) Gota love afn and the community. keep safe and happy growing every1;)
Imagine what it'll be like when we're legal :eyebrows:
We can wait and hope mate.but doubt theyl ever legalise it here.we just gota be 1 step ahead.never take anything for granted.and be thankfull for every safe successful harvest we do.keep up the good work class.always keep safe and always happy growing;)
Thankyou for chiming in. And them stats show a very healthy thread for the community.did not expect that. Thanks for saying;) Gota love afn and the community. keep safe and happy growing every1;)
I told you mate them nos say it all and just look how many posts there are every couple of days