Sounds great I've been dabbling in lsd again but trying to grow some shrooms can get kits already inoculated with your choice of mushroom on Zanzibar for 47 quid about 25 strains to choose from also do cactus

At some point in future I'll try some form of psychedelics. Probably DMT but that won't be for awhile.

Hope you're having a good time with the LSD.

I'm having a wee break from cannabis until my next harvest. Got shit to do and smoking all the time is giving me the excuse to avoid it.

Sounds great I've been dabbling in lsd again but trying to grow some shrooms can get kits already inoculated with your choice of mushroom on Zanzibar for 47 quid about 25 strains to choose from also do cactus
I fancy growing some shrooms, they're nice and quick to. I'm intrigued about the cactus, I'm on a research mission now, :jointman: :crying:
At some point in future I'll try some form of psychedelics. Probably DMT but that won't be for awhile.

Hope you're having a good time with the LSD.

I'm having a wee break from cannabis until my next harvest. Got shit to do and smoking all the time is giving me the excuse to avoid it.

Mate I've been avoided shit for seven years straight, i loved lock down and im considered a bunker recently
Mate I've been avoided shit for seven years straight, i loved lock down and im considered a bunker recently
A bunker is my kind of action, if I had my way I'd be in Sth America on a ranch with a DUB located in the SE corner. :jointman:
I fancy growing some shrooms, they're nice and quick to. I'm intrigued about the cactus, I'm on a research mission now, :jointman: :crying:
Let me know if you find anything good on your shroom research they sound quite easy to grow but some very prone to infection so im gonna pick a beginer strain can get up to 5 flushs out of 1 of the kits
Mate I've been avoided shit for seven years straight, i loved lock down and im considered a bunker recently

I've just came to a realisation recently that if I want to do what I want to do, I need to put the hard work in and not be in a stoned haze most of the day every day. Really effects my memory retention.

I'll take a break, do what needs to be done then come back to it with a more responsible attitude to my usage.

Looking forward to starting a new grow very soon.

Sounds great I've been dabbling in lsd again but trying to grow some shrooms can get kits already inoculated with your choice of mushroom on Zanzibar for 47 quid about 25 strains to choose from also do cactus
Shrooms are a piece of piss to grow with lots man. Just need a cupboard then when the myc colonises you need sunlight. Easy peasy. Once you get a hang of that look into making your own cakes then spawn to bulk. You won’t turn back. I’ve been growing shrooms for years. Ate the last of mine last month on my birthday. I’m laying off the shrooms for a while now tho. I’m an old man and can’t deal with a 10 hour trip lol! That’s why I’ve been making my own dmt. If you want a trip that’s more intense but shorter living, plus easier to make I strongly suggest looking into dmt extraction. Literally just finished my second low dose trip on it and it was class. All rectangles and for 10 minutes I lived in Lego set designed by the Simpsons. Fucking wild
Good thing with psychedelics is the insight it gives and how it can treat recovery. I used to have a very nasty cocaine habit which I curtailed and went years without taking but always thought about. Started doing shrooms about 4-5 years ago and not once since have o thought about taking the stuff. Been off it eight years but still thought about taking it for the first 4-5 years before I started taking shrooms again. I’m not saying psychedelics are the answer to everything but they sure make it easier to understand the world around you
Good thing with psychedelics is the insight it gives and how it can treat recovery. I used to have a very nasty cocaine habit which I curtailed and went years without taking but always thought about. Started doing shrooms about 4-5 years ago and not once since have o thought about taking the stuff. Been off it eight years but still thought about taking it for the first 4-5 years before I started taking shrooms again. I’m not saying psychedelics are the answer to everything but they sure make it easier to understand the world around you

I agree with you there about the psychedelics. To be honest when I was taking them I never used them properly to reflect, I was always at music festivals or parties. Don't get me wrong I loved it but it would be nice to have those moments of reflection.

Well done for kicking the coke habit, I've known a few people who ended up in a bit of hole from it. I never got the taste for it luckily always felt it was a selfish drug. Makes you love yourself. Preferred ecstasy as it was a nice loving feeling for everyone..

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