I will be joining you shortly on an outdoor winter grow from South Africa! Will tag you in, so keen to see how our grows do!!

Best of luck, and the ladies are lookin gorgeous!! Cull that male haha!

Good vibrations my friend!! Positive energy being sent your way!

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Thanks. Hope the dagga is growing tall in Afrika.
Also hope you're not in Capetown, hear they're running out of water soon...

So, you're going to put some down this coming autumn there?
Do you have any this season? Must be starting to flower around now, no?
For any reason i can't like your posts today, system kicks me out everytime i hit the like button?!

That's strange, buddy.
I get stuff like that a lot, mainly during heavy traffic time,
but it's probably because I use TOR.
I think it keeps setting up new TOR circuits for me,
and thus bounces me out of the log in settings.

Don't worry, I know you're out there, haha!

I guess today is end of second week outside:

First group of 3

The early lady, crystalling up. Large calyx, aroma starting nicely.
20180201 Winter Guerilla Safari & Friends (1).jpg

This is maybe one of the autos, flowering, but tiny.
20180201 Winter Guerilla Safari & Friends (2).jpg

The male, with a bit of purple. I just cut him down today.
20180201 Winter Guerilla Safari & Friends (3).jpg

Second group of 3

This one is flowering, female, but very different from the first one above.
Will stretch more, and be much later, obviously.
20180201 Winter Guerilla Safari & Friends (4).jpg

This one is flowering, too. Can see her stretch is more like a regen plant.
I guess it's because they flowered, then I gave them a week on 18/6 under lights,
then back outside for the 11/13. Will be interesting how she goes.
20180201 Winter Guerilla Safari & Friends (5).jpg

This is the tiny one in front of them. May be an auto, not sure.
20180201 Winter Guerilla Safari & Friends (6).jpg

Third group of 2

This is a younger Safari, looking more normal.
No clear sign of sex, yet, but may be male I think.
20180201 Winter Guerilla Safari & Friends (7).jpg

Another younger Safari. Looks far more normal, haha.
Lighter color, may be more sativa pheno??
Again, not sexed yet.
7-pointer leaves, good sign she'll grow bigger.
20180201 Winter Guerilla Safari & Friends (8).jpg

Fourth group of 2

Another younger Safari. As above, looking good, no sign of sex yet.
One of the few (if any) to put out 7-point leaves, good sign she'll get larger.
20180201 Winter Guerilla Safari & Friends (9).jpg

Another very small younger Safari or mutant auto, not sure. No sign of sex yet.
20180201 Winter Guerilla Safari & Friends (10).jpg

So far, so good.

The larger ones are about 12" = 30 cm or so, tall.
The early bloomer will stop growing soon,
the later bloomer still has some stretch to go.
Then the medium younger Safaris about 9" = 22.5 cm or so.
They def have some more growing to do,
will prob end up taller than the older ones.
The tiny autos and stunted Safaris...
may get a micro bud out of them, if I'm lucky.

All looking healthy and green, I must say.
Have had wet, cloudy weather lately,
more to come, maybe a little clearer later.

Gave them some chicken fert scattered around the base.
Had a thought: the chicken fert is pH 8. Not good.
But... the city rain here is quite acidic, actually,
so hopefully will balance out in the end. Hopefully! :p

Love and hugs,
Thanks. Hope the dagga is growing tall in Afrika.
Also hope you're not in Capetown, hear they're running out of water soon...

So, you're going to put some down this coming autumn there?
Do you have any this season? Must be starting to flower around now, no?

It grows very tall over here;) haha if I can find some pictures of my old grows Ill post em!

I am not in CT, they are. the situation is very dire. day Zero is in april, no water out the taps, army at the places where people collect water because of the possibility of violence. Sad situation.

I have a few, ill throw some pictures in, locally crossed exodus and dairy queen. I had 6 gorgeous plants, however only one was gorgeous and 5 were handsome(bad luck). So the handsomes have been harvested to make some lotion for my human girl... But my focus is my 5 critical + 2.0 seeds, which I will be doing a full journal for tonight. Attempting to squeeze them in before winter hits (risky i know) it'll be my first grow from seeds from a seedbank. Super keen to see how they do!

EDIT 1: Here are pictures of my only female from my Exodus/Dairy Queen seeds! I'm very happy that she has started flowering! Shame, she has had somewhat of a rough life, but shes beautiful and im in love with her! Thinking about some defoliation later on, and maybe light LST to open her up for that air to get through her? any thoughts?

EDIT 2: Here are some local sativas I grew in 2016, I have more plants planted here. I breed parrots and I throw all the left over vegetables/seeds/beans/fruit/shit and everything below where I plant these. I have some more here this year too. But I use these plants to make boat loads of Hash, my friends and I only smoke a few of the best nugs. PS- I am 1.85M tall
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By the way, your plants are looking really great and healthy! sorry about the male...Thanks for educating me on that 7 tip leaf growth prediction, thats an awesome thing to know :p!

Does your area dry up anytime soon? Thinking ahead for flowering time, botrytis is a real concern of mine in general, it must have crossed your mind? Any useful tips for a learner?

Im excited to see the updates!:D stay safe and good vibes only!
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It grows very tall over here;) haha if I can find some pictures of my old grows Ill post em!

I am not in CT, they are. the situation is very dire. day Zero is in april, no water out the taps, army at the places where people collect water because of the possibility of violence. Sad situation.

I have a few, ill throw some pictures in, locally crossed exodus and dairy queen. I had 6 gorgeous plants, however only one was gorgeous and 5 were handsome(bad luck). So the handsomes have been harvested to make some lotion for my human girl... But my focus is my 5 critical + 2.0 seeds, which I will be doing a full journal for tonight. Attempting to squeeze them in before winter hits (risky i know) it'll be my first grow from seeds from a seedbank. Super keen to see how they do!

Sorry about the ratio of males. Hope you can fit it in before winter. Should be enough time....

Some say that only seed bank seeds are good.
But... where I come from, we have plenty of good local genetics.

EDIT 1: Here are pictures of my only female from my Exodus/Dairy Queen seeds! I'm very happy that she has started flowering! Shame, she has had somewhat of a rough life, but shes beautiful and im in love with her! Thinking about some defoliation later on, and maybe light LST to open her up for that air to get through her? any thoughts?

EDIT 2: Here are some local sativas I grew in 2016, I have more plants planted here. I breed parrots and I throw all the left over vegetables/seeds/beans/fruit/shit and everything below where I plant these. I have some more here this year too. But I use these plants to make boat loads of Hash, my friends and I only smoke a few of the best nugs. PS- I am 1.85M tall

They look great! Love to see the outdoor plants!

Is that big Sativa just one plant? Wow!!!
Must be about 3.5 to 4 m tall.
How much sticky icky did you harvest from her??
I like the idea of dagga hash, haha.
By the way, your plants are looking really great and healthy! sorry about the male...Thanks for educating me on that 7 tip leaf growth prediction, thats an awesome thing to know :p!

It's just the idea that the more mature in veg growth,
the more points on the leaves.
The older plants only made it to 5 points, and quickly flowered.
But then I put them on a 18/6 for another week...

The younger ones hadn't flowered,
so they have just been straight veg growth.
I think they'll put on a bit more size.
So the 7 pointers.

It's just my hunch / thought, not sure if it's correct or not.

Does your area dry up anytime soon? Thinking ahead for flowering time, botrytis is a real concern of mine in general, it must have crossed your mind? Any useful tips for a learner?

It doesn't really dry up here at all.
Maybe around June, which is summer here.
But... then the typhoons come in July (sometimes late June).
Ideally, would want to harvest late June.
For most autos, would mean starting April or so.
But April is often very wet... spring rains and mist.

It's just very wet here overall.
Sub-tropical humidity.

I got bud rot on almost all my plants last season...
Pulled at 8-9 weeks, the autos.

Im excited to see the updates!:D stay safe and good vibes only!

Thanks. You too. Keep that dagga tall and green!
Not much other action here in the Outdoor Forum.
Am I the only one growing outdoors in the winter?

Yes, I'm just posting that to make you all jealous!
No other way such tiny little plants are going to get any attention, haha.
Sorry Maria, when some of us say it's winter............it's really winter.....like F&^%ing cold!!!!:crying:
Sorry about the ratio of males. Hope you can fit it in before winter. Should be enough time....

It happens hey, I just have never been this unlucky! I’ve been in a bit of a tough spot these last few months, not sure if it’s negative energy or just plain unlucky. But I’m any case, I’m so happy with that female, she’s a beauty!

Some say that only seed bank seeds are good.
But... where I come from, we have plenty of good local genetics.

Agreed, I would love to actually have some foreigners smoke the local stuff to see what they think!

They look great! Love to see the outdoor plants!

Is that big Sativa just one plant? Wow!!!
Must be about 3.5 to 4 m tall.
How much sticky icky did you harvest from her??
I like the idea of dagga hash, haha.

There were 5 plants. The only issue is they flower for so damn long, I had to make an executive decision to pull them all due to bud rot, and powdery mildew [emoji85] was a sad day! But I harvested 3.2kgs there. Would have been a heavy harvest if it had made it through... they had around 3 weeks left... but the hash was damn delicious anyways!! I’ve got the same genetic going again in the exact same spot, I’ll take a picture when I’m out there again.

EDIT 1: Pictures of the plants this season, really taken a beating for the hail.

local 03:02.JPG

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