I may be in a similar situation later.
Thanks for the tip!
It is best to destem before placing in bags .One thing about the paper bag it wicks out the moisture and some odor as well. So it will still smell up the place. Be warned lol.
Put them in my cupboard and it smells like wow when I came back into the house.

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It is best to destem before placing in bags .One thing about the paper bag it wicks out the moisture and some odor as well. So it will still smell up the place. Be warned lol.
Put them in my cupboard and it smells like wow when I came back into the house.

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk

Ideally I hang the whole plant, then later take the buds off.
But this time... I'll be looking for a very discrete method.
Taking the little buds off right at the start is the fastest.

Despite my horrible problems last harvest,
the smoke was remarkably smooth. Cured a while, I guess.

I wonder if there are other methods, using natural dessicants...
I may start a thread on this when the time comes,
ask some of the old farm hands....

Out of town for a bit. Can't wait to get back and check my babies.
May have to cull the male then.
And hopefully the younger Safaris will be showing sex, too.
Day 10 outside

Went to check on the plants late afternoon.
First time to check since they were transplanted out.
Last week has been fairly okay weather.
Not too sunny, but not too wet, either.
Last day or two more rain, and more to come.
Though not very heavy.
Also a bit colder, maybe down to 10C min.

As usual, while going to guerilla site,
have to mentally prepare myself.
Tell myself not to be too disappointed if they are all dead,
eaten by pests or blown over or whatever.

So, a nice surprise awaited me!


All nice and green, with some growth.
Stems thickening up, and shaping up for flowering.

20180129 Seedlings outside Day 10 (1).jpg

This is one pot that had one un-sexed Safari and a mutating (self topping) other (or two?)
Safari is on top, the mutant at bottom.

20180129 Seedlings outside Day 10 (2).jpg

This pot had the two un-sexed Safaris.

20180129 Seedlings outside Day 10 (3).jpg

This pot was two female Safaris, and a little auto, I think.
The auto is hidden in front, so small.
The better Safari is right in the middle.
I think the other one is to the far left,
she's putting out longer runners with single blade leaves.
(Kind of like some re-gen plants do, or long stretching sativas in flowering...)

20180129 Seedlings outside Day 10 (4).jpg

This pot had the female Safari in the middle, already putting out some crystals!
And then I think some little auto in the front, hidden again because so small.
Now, on the back left is the Safari male, lying down.
I was originally planning on culling him today.
But... he still hasn't dropped any pollen.
So bent it right down at the base stem, leave him for a bit.

All comments above are just after a quick check.
Prob should have properly checked the younger Safaris for sex.

The autos are... just too small, blocked out by the Safaris.
They are all doing well, though. Healthy and green.
Very few pests by the look of it. It's winter, I guess, not many pests around.

Forecast for next week or so is some more rain, though shouldn't be too heavy,
and cold down to min of 10-12C or so. Then clear up a bit.

Next check visit will prob deal with the male.
Not much interest in seeding, as have other seeds on the way.
Will sprinkle a little more chicken sh!t fertilizer.
And also try to mix some hydro nutes that I got for my veges.
Not the best nutes for canna, but ... will work.

Love and hugs,
very early frost,that could be an sneeky tester nug soon hehe.
i think you is Maria,would love to join you but id only bring rain and gales.
keep er lit.

Ah, the tempting sneaky tester bud... and many a fine smoke they are.
Nice idea, but they're so small, they'd all be tested away and nothing left, haha.
You keep it stoked in the indoors, and I'll play outside here.
I can only dream of an outside grow! I am looking all the time for a spot but I can't find one That wouldn't be very risky. Not sure I can make it happen safely.

My site is ... on the edge of a public recreation / park area, near a river bank and urban gardens.
Keep them small and discrete, and may harvest a few buds if all goes well.
