I'm looking hard, just tough in an urban area when I will need to visit occasionally

Oh, yeah, tell me about it..... :p

Think I've signed up for some grow battles,
am supposed to upload photos every week.

Still, growing hidden in plain site is fun.

Ideally I'd do dozens or more seedlings,
and drop them here and there.
Do no work grows, no maintenance grows.
So glad the outdoor girls doing fine, very good choice of spots you have planted, because they like it as it can be seen!:pass:

Yeah, was pleasantly surprised.

In the meantime, @TheMongol -- my Heavyweight seeds have arrived.

All thanks to @Duggy picked up my beans today -- thanks brother!
10 x Strawberry Cake Photo
10 x Jackpot Auto

These were my prizes from last year's outdoor battle.
Three of the Jackpots were crushed in the packaging.
But no complaints at all, still have plenty to run with.
Dropped 4 x Strawberry and 4 x Jackpot
plus one of the slightly crushed Jackpot (so 4 photo, 4 or 5 auto),
straight away -- RO water with a few drops of H2O2.
I decided on 4 of each because this will start inside,
but be an outdoor guerilla grow.
Few guarantees on how they'll turn out,
so need to start a few to give me some choice at selection day.


The beans!


3 out of 10 crushed Jackpots. Glad it was a 10 pack!
2 beyond recovery, only good for adding to my breakfast cereal. :p
But one of them was not too bad, am going to try germing, for an experiment.


I'm in the Battle.


Ready to face the spring rains!

Here we go!

The next battle is on!!!
Not much other action here in the Outdoor Forum.
Am I the only one growing outdoors in the winter?

Yes, I'm just posting that to make you all jealous!
No other way such tiny little plants are going to get any attention, haha.
Yeah, for about a moment I was gonna say....WHAT....Man that's mean. But on the other hand, just got back from two weeks in warm weather....so I be closed mouth. :cools:

Genesis 1:29- And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

Genesis 9:3- Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.
Not much other action here in the Outdoor Forum.
Am I the only one growing outdoors in the winter?

Yes, I'm just posting that to make you all jealous!
No other way such tiny little plants are going to get any attention, haha.

I will be joining you shortly on an outdoor winter grow from South Africa! Will tag you in, so keen to see how our grows do!!

Best of luck, and the ladies are lookin gorgeous!! Cull that male haha!

Good vibrations my friend!! Positive energy being sent your way!

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