Indoor Tropical Outdoor: White Widow Max, AK47, Cheese, Great White Shark, Northern Lights

Coming down at 5cm = 2" / hr....
Pots flooded, will require some work.
Locking up windows and doors and putting out sandbags.
It's coming down heavy folks!!!

Well that sux! Lots of rain here too - localized flooding etc. The biggest problem with growing outdoors is ya have to deal directly with mother nature. Like most ladies - she will not be controlled.
Well, they're back and looking great this morning.
These are tough plants after all, cannabis is very strong!!

Day 16 (oldest girls, back and center) / Day 10 (youngest girls, front and center, both sides)
The oldest girls, -- Auto AK47 and Auto White Widow Max -- are getting a little vegetative scent coming along, particularly if you give the stem and leaves a bit of a rub.

20160821 Guerrilla - A-AK47, A-WWM, A-Ch, GWS(f), NL(r).jpg

Thinking about moving some or all into their larger containers today or maybe tomorrow, they'll be a little less than 10 L = about 2.5 gal.
Keeping a very close eye on the weather, as I have to be out and about in the next little while.
Do I leave them outside in the direct sun, but in danger of another little flood?
Or leave them with less sun, but less danger of heavy rain?
Have about 3-4 different weather apps that I'm checking 100 times a day, haha!!!!!!!!!

Love and hugs,
Last edited:
Transplanted out to the bigger pots yesterday.

The new soil (potting mixes + coco coir).
8L = ~2gal pots for AK47, WWM, and 2 Cheeses. Best GWS and NL into bigger pots too. Little miss AK47 is doing particularly well. Little miss Widow is still putting out 3-pointer leaves ~ maybe she's in denial about impending adulthood.

All doing nicely under the beautiful sun.

Having picture upload problems now, but will update.

Love and hugs,
The photos I owe you all from a couple of days ago:
Sorry for regular phone camera quality, not so great.

Day 16 (big girls) / Day 10 (little girls)

Transplanting fun!

Auto AK47 --> 8L = 2gal pot (Day 16)
20160821 Guerrilla - Transplant A-AK47.jpg

Auto White Widow Max --> 8L = 2gal pot (Day 16)
20160821 Guerrilla - Transplant A-WWM.jpg

Auto Cheese (1) --> 8L = 2gal pot (Day 10)
20160821 Guerrilla - Transplant A-Ch (1).jpg

Auto Cheese (2) --> 8L = 2gal pot (Day 10)
20160821 Guerrilla - Transplant A-Ch (2).jpg

Great White Shark (fem), 2 x Northern Lights (reg) --> 1L = 1/4 gal pot (Day 10)
On the far right, the other 2 x GWS(f), 1 x NL(r) still in little pots, these plants are struggling...
20160821 Guerrilla - Transplant All.jpg


Sweet Basil (about 7 days, I think...?)
20160821 Guerrilla - Transplant Sweet Basil.jpg

Purple Basil (a couple of days)
20160821 Guerrilla - Transplant Purple Basil.jpg
Now for today's morning photo shoot!

Day 18 (big girls) / Day 12 (little girls)

Auto AK47 (Day 18)
This girl is really coming along nicely, good color, structure, scent, with the nodes starting to show some vegetative growth.
20160823 Guerrilla -  A-AK47.jpg

Auto White Widow Max (Day 18)
Doing very well, but interesting that she's put out 1-pointer, 3-pointer, then 3 / 2-pointer, again 3-pointer leaves. (Think the next set is finally 5-pointer!)
I wonder if she is going to be a very short plant and go into flowering super fast, or maybe is going to have a long childhood.
20160823 Guerrilla -  A-WWM.jpg

Auto Cheese (1) (Day 12)
Of course, almost a week behind the AK47 and WWM, but doing very nicely, with 5-pointer leaves coming out, different scent, too.
20160823 Guerrilla -  A-Ch (1).jpg

Auto Cheese (2) (Day 12)
Almost identical to her sister (above) at this point. I'm quite curious about the Cheese strains, because I've never seen them before.
20160823 Guerrilla -  A-Ch (2).jpg

Great White Shark (fem) (1) (Day 12)
Doing well. Wins the award for the cutest leaves, because they are so wide and pudgy.
This girl is the best of the 3 GWS, the other two (below) really not doing well at all.
The GSW's are Fem, but not Auto, so wondering how this will work out.
20160823 Guerrilla -  GWS(f).jpg

Northern Lights (reg) (1) (Day 12)
Well, what can we say with this old classic strain, one of my favorites!
Doing well, though this girl got a bit damaged in the mini flood.
20160823 Guerrilla -  NL(r) (1).jpg

Northern Lights (reg) (2) (Day 12)
This little NL girl is the best of the NLs, and showing strong growth all around.
20160823 Guerrilla -  NL(r) (2).jpg

Northern Lights (reg) (3) (Day 12)
Great White Shark (fem) (2) (Day 12)
Great White Shark (fem) (3) (Day 12)

The NL on the left is the weakest of the three remaining NL, but still stronger than these two GWS center and left.
The GWS in the middle still okay, just very slow.
The little GWS on the far left, her cotelydrons have already died, first set of true leaves just sit there, the second set barely showing.
I'm keeping these three in the little pots for now. See what happens. May keep them as window sill bonsai specimens.......
20160823 Guerrilla -  GWS(f) x2, NL(r).jpg

Purple Basil (sprouts!)
Just popping up and now showing true leaves.
20160823 Guerrilla -  Purple Basil.jpg

Sweet Basil (seedlings!)
Getting lush very fast. I transplanted this bunch out into three bigger pots, about 5-8 seedlings per pot, right after this photo
PESTO pasta and PEST pizza on the way!!!!!!!!!!!!! Doesn't AFN have a special forum for eats?
20160823 Guerrilla -  Sweet Basil.jpg

Love and hugs and kisses,
Meh... nothing like grasshoppers eating a few choice leaves...
Though it did seem rather reluctant to leave (pun intended) and was probably just chillin'...
Which reminds me of a high school science project, where we tested crickets with various substances,
such as caffeine (coffee), aspirin, something else, and some sweet herb that my classmate grew.
Same result. Stoned bugs.
Blessed little grasshopper, hope you had fun!
Question for the day:

I have to head out of town for a few days from tomorrow.
Then after that, out again for two days.

Do I leave the babies at home? Will they be safe (from human eyes)?
Do I put out a couple of the big girls into the wilds? Will they be safe (from natural predators)?
Do I put them out together in my best spot? It's good, I'm sure, but together is all eggs in one basket...
Do I put them out separately in a couple of spots?
Do I leave the little girls at home (same safety issues as above)?

If they go out (either just the big girls, or some of the little girls too), they're going to have a nice big drink first.
What's the weather situation? Seems good, fairly sunny, a little cloudy, maybe a little rain. Perfect.

Have a small time frame to make the decision to move out: from dusk to dawn.

What would Brown Dirt Warrior do? Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!

Love and hugs,
Nervous Maria
Question for the day:

I have to head out of town for a few days from tomorrow.
Then after that, out again for two days.

Do I leave the babies at home? Will they be safe (from human eyes)?
Do I put out a couple of the big girls into the wilds? Will they be safe (from natural predators)?
Do I put them out together in my best spot? It's good, I'm sure, but together is all eggs in one basket...
Do I put them out separately in a couple of spots?
Do I leave the little girls at home (same safety issues as above)?

If they go out (either just the big girls, or some of the little girls too), they're going to have a nice big drink first.
What's the weather situation? Seems good, fairly sunny, a little cloudy, maybe a little rain. Perfect.

Have a small time frame to make the decision to move out: from dusk to dawn.

What would Brown Dirt Warrior do? Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!

Love and hugs,
Nervous Maria
Hi Maria
To your questions.
keep them safe from humans eye is in your hand and its a spot thing.
To protect them from predators, i use lavendel for my veggies and put hair from the dog around the plants. It works good for me, the lavendel keeps the bugs away and the dog hair keeps the rabbits away it also work for all other plants.
Give your plants a big shot of water a few hours before you leave town.
i hope it helps you a little bit.
cu tobe