Indoor Tropical Outdoor: White Widow Max, AK47, Cheese, Great White Shark, Northern Lights

Update time! Start with a story for all you good folks:

As I returned, had enough time to check them out before it got dark.
As I walked up to the site, I noticed that some grounds work had been done there recently.
The place is kind of like a park, which has groundsmen who do work on the trees and gardens.
I kept telling myself that maybe the bugs have got them, so don't be disappointed if there are empty pots sitting there now!

As I got closer, ah oh, there has been some grounds work right by the site.
Yes, the groundsmen had actually been cutting the foliage all around them, freeing up drainage area.
I think one of the pots had been moved out of the way for their cutting work. They had obviously seen the pots.

But in this area, a lot of people grow all sorts of plants and trees on public lands, wherever there is space.
I'm just imagining these guys coming along with the edge trimmer machine, moving my little girls out of the way, cutting along, move them back and continue with their work.

I was just glad to see the plants, and checked them out. Photos below.

It was only when I was about to leave that I thought: oh, shit.
If these have been seen, what if the site is now under surveillance?
I don't think they do anything that sophisticated here, with cameras. But who knows?
Probably the groundsmen didn't even know what kind of plant it was.

I didn't get arrested over night, or this morning.
So far so good....

(Photos below....)
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Apologies for quality of photos....

Day 23 (big girls)

They have been outside now for 5 days, and have survived the elements. Some sun, some cloud, some rain.
I fed them some nutrients before putting them out. It did them well. I'll give them a slightly heavier feed again soon, as they hit the big growth phase.

Auto White Widow Max
She's doing well, about 8" = 20cm tall. Nice color and looking very healthy. Hasn't been touched by many bugs.
Node 6 starting to come out. Still paired symmetrical nodes. Still not much branching at all. Stem getting thicker.
Not sure if she's flowering yet, I thought I saw some pistils, but it was dark, and on checking couldn't identify them.
20160828 Guerrilla - Auto White Widow Max (2).jpg

20160828 Guerrilla - Auto White Widow Max (1).jpg

Auto AK47
She's doing the best, stronger than the White Widow. Almost 10" = 25cm tall.
Leaves strong and healthy color, though the bugs like her a bit more. Stems thickening nicely.
Starting to stretch a little. But not much branching, the node leaves are getting nibbled.
Luckily she's growing much faster than they can eat her.
Also on node 6, I think, but the nodes are now separating out, as she's flowering.
Clear number of pistils showing, and getting that start of flowering shape.
20160828 Guerrilla - Auto AK47 (4).jpg

20160828 Guerrilla - Auto AK47 (2).jpg

20160828 Guerrilla - Auto AK47 (3).jpg

20160828 Guerrilla - Auto AK47 (1).jpg

Day 17 (little girls)

All of these little girls were on the balcony for the last 5 days or so.
They were safe after all. Got some nice light, and natural rain.
I gave them a NPK 15-15-15 feed last night. They'll be needing it soon.
I have to be out again for a couple of days from tomorrow, so not sure whether to put them out or leave on balcony.
I may stay with the balcony option for now, it worked these last few days.

Auto Cheese both plants
Doing very nicely in the larger pots. They're looking fractionally better than the WWM and AK47 at the same age.
Because they've been on the balcony, they've been safe from bugs, so haven't been eaten at all.
Still very short, about 5" = 12.5 cm or so. One is a little shorter, slightly more leafy, the other a little taller, less leafy.
On node 4 or 5, coming out, still symmetrical of course. No flowering signs at all yet.
20160828 Guerrilla - Auto Cheese.jpg

Auto Cheese plant 1
20160828 Guerrilla - Auto Cheese (1).jpg

Auto Cheese plant 2
20160828 Guerrilla - Auto Cheese (2).jpg

Great White Shark (fem) plant 1
This is the best of the feminized photo period Sharks, wide chubby leaves are very cute.
She's in a smaller pot than the Cheeses, but still doing well.
On node 4, 5-pointer leaves. Will move to larger 8L = 2+ gal pot today.
20160828 Guerrilla - Great White Shark (fem).jpg

Northern Lights (reg) plant 1
Photo period NL plant, this is the second best (see below).
Doing well in the smaller pot, also will be moved today to 8L = 2+ gal.
20160828 Guerrilla - Northern Lights (reg) (1).jpg

Northern Lights (reg) plant 2
This is the best of the non-auto plants, the reg NL.
The NL leaves not as thick as the Sharks, but healthy and stronger overall.
Will transplant to 8L = 2+ gal today.
Not sure what to do with this one -- will it be a boy or a girl? But a keeper...
20160828 Guerrilla - Northern Lights (reg) (2).jpg

Great White Shark (f) plants 1 & 2, Northern Lights (r) plant 3
These are the three weaker plants that are still in the seedling pots.
Northern Lights (reg) at the bottom -- light color, a bit yellow.
Great White Shark (fem) top and middle -- very small, not strong.
I think that the heavy heavy rain last week and the smaller pots
led to a lot of soil nutrients getting washed away, hence the color.
Not sure how much effort I should put in to working with them.
Part of me says just cull them. But I don't have the heart.
May keep them as bonsai plants in little pots.
Kind of hoping one of the NL plants is a boy, to pollinate,
though it would be best if it were one of the ones above, as they are stronger.
20160828 Guerrilla - GWS(f) x2, NL(r) x1.jpg

Okay, that's my update for today, everyone!
Advice, comments and criticisms all welcome.
Thanks for all your support and encouragement!!!!

Love you all!!!!!
Oh my gosh !!!!you have the luck of the Irish. To have your very own groundmens looking after your grow for you:worship: I take a very big:hookah: . you will have to try and set a place where you can see them from afar.. but gee they do look great . Are you going to move more plants in to the same place as the others?:greenthumb:
Are you going to move more plants in to the same place as the others?:greenthumb:

Yo, it's a bit of a freak out!! Still not sure what to make of it. Keeping my distance for now...

I just transplanted the two best NLs and the best GWS into the same 8L = 2+gal pots.
My soil mix was similar but a bit different from the last batch (the AK47, WWM and two Cheese).
I also added a bit more of the NPK 15-15-15 fert in there, and a fraction more dolomite lime.
The three very small plants, the little NL and the two tiny GWSs, are still in those small seedling pots for now at least.

I'm out tomorrow morning. I think I'm going to leave them all on the balcony, just like the last 5 days.
I'll think about where I'm going to put them when I come back.
And it'll also give me some time to see if the groundsmen are still working in that area or not.
I think they've already moved on. Once they do an area, they usually aren't back for many, many months. Luckily.
They may just go into the same location A as the AK47 and WWM.
Location B hasn't been touched by the groundsmen, but that may just mean that they're about to get there.
I'd prefer to put the plants not long after they have worked an area. Cleans it up, and means they won't be back.

Love and hugs,
This reminds me of the time ,many years ago when I lived in Australia, I was out in the bush with my wife looking for orchids. when we walking on to a grown, I walked in to a length of fishing line set through the bush !! we didn't hang around to find out what was set at the other end. there was about 20 plus plants , not every old