Indoor Tropical Outdoor: White Widow Max, AK47, Cheese, Great White Shark, Northern Lights

Hi Maria
To your questions.
keep them safe from humans eye is in your hand and its a spot thing.
To protect them from predators, i use lavendel for my veggies and put hair from the dog around the plants. It works good for me, the lavendel keeps the bugs away and the dog hair keeps the rabbits away it also work for all other plants.
Give your plants a big shot of water a few hours before you leave town.
i hope it helps you a little bit.
cu tobe

Thanks @tobe for your advice and blessings!
See the next post.........................
Big Girls Go Wild!

Okay, they're not that big, but they're going wild anyway.
Actually, I think I saw a couple of tiny flowers on the main 4th node of the AK47.
Puberty has arrived! So, perfect time to send them out on their big adventure.
Pity I didn't get any pics of the tiny flowers, but they're just girls, really, so kind of shy...

I went with the Auto AK47 and Auto White Widow Max both to site A.
After double and triple checking security, and putting on my black ninja suit, it was a dusk mission.
Just enough light to see by, but not enough to be seen by.

After checking out that Outdoor Guerrilla Strategies thread,
I downloaded a cool app that can do a sun movement path from your phone (based on location).
I already knew that the site was nice, gets dawn's first rays, right through until near dusk,
though not really dusk, before it's a south-east facing slope, so about 5am to 5:30pm.
So 12+ hrs of direct sunlight if all is ideal.

Originally I thought to dig holes there, and put in soil, but that slope is partly human constructed,
so it's very, very rocky. So I'm just using those 8L = 2gal pots instead.
But the rocks mean that there is little other vegetation, it's sparse and not overgrown.
The whole slope has several levels, and I'm down a couple of levels from the top.
But the levels above have some small trees that block seeing them from above,
while they themselves have a great view of all below. Excellent spot, I'm hoping.

Enough already, where are the photos? y'all asking...

Auto AK47
The plant itself.
Can see a couple of the bottom leaves missing from that grasshopper this afternoon....
20160823 Guerrilla Goes Wild ~ AK47 1.jpg

Auto AK47
Facing east, can see the town down the bottom of the mountains far below.
20160823 Guerrilla Goes Wild ~ AK47 2.jpg

Auto White Widow Max
The plant itself.
20160823 Guerrilla Goes Wild ~ White Widow Max 2.jpg

Auto White Widow Max
Facing east, can see the town down the bottom of the mountains far below.
20160823 Guerrilla Goes Wild ~ White Widow Max 1.jpg

A-AK47 (front) and A-WWM (back)
Both of them fairly close together. Could have spread out more, but this is really the best spot.
20160823 Guerrilla Goes Wild ~ AK47, WWM.jpg

The leaves are dropping a bit, just because it's night time.
They pick right up in the sun, but drop to sleep during the evening.

The vegetation looks a bit mediterranean in these shots.
That is due to this area only. The rest of this environment is not like this at all.
Much more lush and green and overgrown with every crazy plant and creature.
The spiders, snakes and monkeys around here are all insane, plus other things too....

Hope everyone can send out their best marijuana karma vibes to these two big girls.
Hoping that their first night out in the wilds will go well.

Love and hugs,
They all look so much smaller than everyone else's babies when they plant them out.
But since I'm going to be out, rather that they are out of the way of human eyes than a security risk.
I repeat -- I am not in a cannabis friendly environment. Seriously hostile. Security is [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] concern.
Don't know how well I'm going to sleep tonight. @playingmom
Thanks, @Yeatster !
Here's a photo of the site first thing in the morning.
The photo is facing west -- the sun sets directly behind this shot.
They are facing east in the morning.
Should get light from around 5:30 to 5:30 if all is well.
Sunset's a little later, but it's an east facing slope, so gets blocked earlier.
20160824 Guerrilla - Morning Sun (Facing West).jpg

They are about center, just down from the top. Excellent light exposure, but fairly well hidden.
Wow, who said growing weed was easy? I have just read your grow from the start Maria you have been having fun and games. Was sorry to see you loss most of the seeding's ,I too lost most of my first batch of seeding , with these new rooms. I like the look of the site you have picked out .
Oh by the way , about soaking seeds .
I use a jam jar with a lid and half fill with hot water from the tap , not boiling hot, just washing the dishes hot add one drop of dishwashing liquid and the beans put on top shake and let stand for a few hours shake and look at how many sink 6 or 8 hour they will be on the bottom of the jar ( if they float still I throw out). I never leave them longer . I then fold them in to a damp paper towel and put them in a plastic bag , in a warm spot in the room . two days later , I plant them. I'll drop by offend to see how the go
So with your girls outside in pots, I'm guessing you plan to make frequent trips to water an feed the girls. Mega bunches of grow :karmacloud: to you.
That's the plan.
The usual climate here suggests ample rain.
Perhaps too wet.
So if there's rain, I'll just water for nutes.
Still, know I won't be able to keep myself from visiting, haha.
Get back to base tonight.
Haven't seen my babies for five days.
Anxiously watching the weather reports all day.
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday were all fairly sunny (or a bit cloudy).
Hope they grew well, and didn't get too dry.
Saturday had about 1" = 25mm of rain. Perfect.
A little bit more possible today.

Here's hoping all is well, my little girls!