Mephisto Genetics Trap's Lil' Annie & Fanny

So the root mass will continue to expand through bloom is what you're saying, right?

I was pondering something different....I understand veg is over when veg is over, but I thought
root expansion ceased at the end of veg as it wouldn't do any good to add more medium
space if the roots were just about wrapped up expanding...See what I'm sayin'? :)
Thanks, GA! It's all academic anyway as I don't have the tent room to stack a pot underneath...But yeah, could you imagine if this had taken place in a 5 gallon??? Geez.
Iv been all over trying to find all my old subscriptions, sorry it took so long to get back, any thing you were suscribed to you have to un-sub then re-sub for it to show up!!
Yeah trap, the roots keep on being produced throughout the grow.
I was pm'n with SOH and it occurred to me an aquarium would make a kick ass rez for a dwc tutorial.
I might try to get something figured out over the summer.
Well, it hasn't gotten less interesting with Annie, that's for sure....

She is on day 47 and still growing. She now stands at the precipice of 30 inches at 29.75"....
It's not as though she hasn't auto'd...she has, she's well into pre flower although it took her
an extra week or so to really get there.

Her feeding intervals in this 1.8 gal. actual airpot have reached somewhat ridiculous levels.
I'm getting about 14 hours out of full feed right now. So the last couple times I've included
300-400 mL of water and a little FF Big Bloom poured into the drip tray and those roots literally
drank it all up each about an hour. So...she's sort of a hawg. Don't take her somewhere
expensive on your first date...know what I mean? Not a "salad girl". ;)

RE: Fanny - It's really cool to watch an N abundance (clawing) correct and relax out...never
witnessed that before. :)

Some pics


Very nice. Are you getting any orange smells yet? I put mine on bloom nutes at day 38 and it had 30 feedings from there until it finished. Most of those were 1 gallon feeds. That girl was a real lush. I miss her, lol