Mephisto Genetics Trap's Lil' Annie & Fanny

Well, be ready for a least in a 5 gal. you MIGHT have a chance of getting more than 14 hours
from a feed at this stage, although you might just have the same problem at a larger scale ;).....

which wouldn't suck either.

Cheers & Thanks, Brother!
Very nice. Are you getting any orange smells yet? I put mine on bloom nutes at day 38 and it had 30 feedings from there until it finished. Most of those were 1 gallon feeds. That girl was a real lush. I miss her, lol

Nope, no smell yet....but once the flowers start to develop a little, I'll bet it'll be on like a Florida Orange Grove :)

Can't wait!
My Walter has that claw N thing going on, and that droopy thing again too. It drives me nuts but I'm pretty much ignoring it.

Yeah, to me the droop sometimes just seems like a nap before another big push of development. I've become a little desensitized to it now...just back off the liquids a bit, let it work itself out and then back to the grind. :)

RE: The N - I just cut most of the Grow Big and the Boomerang for the last 4 or 5 feeds and it's's actually
kind of handy to know that, until further notice, there's plenty of N available. Rules a deficiency out. :)
Alrighty guys....First an Public Service announcement....

To all you friends of mine that are so nice to come around and check out my grows...
I'm sorry I haven't been around your threads as much of late...Pregnant wife exactly
60 days away from due date and all the pursuant's tough sometimes
to just check in with my projects and update my threads.

So, you aren't being ignored, I'm just slammed.....Sorry! :)

Some Pics of the girls on Day 49....

Really different personalities but I'm really excited about the final laps
of both. :) I cleared out some stuff on the bottom of both that wasn't going to
develop and would just be parasitic to the other stuff.


(with a pic of the N Abundance letting go)

Cheers All!
So nice, you gotta love how those secondaries are right up there tall too. Each one of these I've seen grown have really been nice looking plants. I have to try some and get a report up. Wasn't able to this week, been tied up as well. This is a really nice strain.