I looked for a long time myself for an inexpensive light. I mean to the point of blurry eyes and staying up way too late sitting in bed reading all I could , lol. People have talked smack about the MarsHydro lights, but I sure see a lot of people using them, and with good results. Maybe Their older stuff? Their new SP line looks good, and the less expensive TS line all would be a good enrty level lights (IMO and what I've seen on line). Like many they are going towards the Q Boards, like HLG. If you look you can find the equivalent to the HLG for much less. And quite a bit less ordering from overseas .
Of course there are better lights, but you set a budget( basically same budget that I set for myself), and not looking to fill a room up. I think you'll be just fine. I'll be watching the progress, good luck!