Purple stems, brown spots - early flower

Update @day 37.

Bit the bullet and bought BlueLab Trucheon & ph.pen - latter of which required 24h soaking, so cant use until next watering, current PH meassure is still w. "drops".

So my tap-water clocks in at a wooping 300ppm :eek1:
Water reports claims hardness @17dh w. Ca/Mg at 119mg/l & 8.1mg/l

Changes since friday:
  • Lights gradually increased from 160w to 175w
  • total of three waterings, all w. 75% RO water & 25% tab water. (prior to friday, all waterings was 100% tap-water)
  • First two w. ap. 3ml/l grow (NPK4-1-7) + 1.2ml/l Cann PK13/14 - adjusted to PH 6.3
  • Temp now tops at 27c/80f (lights on) and lowest 20.5c/69f (lights off)

Currently the symptoms are starting to be different on the two plants:
  • Orange Sherbert: (worst off) has many dark spots, center and edge - hits leaves all over -always drooping for last few hours of light, resolves ap. 1 hourt into next lightcycle (daily occurrence)
  • AlienVsTriangle: (better off) mainly yellow fades, bottom and center, not top - very few spots. no significant drooping.
  • Both: some/many Purple stems on leaves.

Watered last night:
AvT: 75% RO water & 25% tab - 3ml/l grow - 1ml/l PK13/14 - PH 6.3 and 700PPM - came out pretty much the same 6.3/700
OS: 75% RO water & 25% tab - 3ml/l grow - 1ml/l PK13/14 - 250mg/l Epsom - PH 6.4 and 800PPM - came out pretty much the same 6.3/800

Changed the grow ferterlizer from (NPK4-1-7) to (NPK 6-1.3-5) to get better ration of P to K and tried Epsom on OS
(not used Epsom before, so chickend out and only gave to OS in case i screwed up)

My thinking at the moment, is
1. to much Calcium from tap-water is main issue?
2. Underfeed, esp. N & P and Mg?
3. maybe lockouts due to high Calcium? (resolved by RO water?)

Plants overall do not look disastrous (yet?)
20211027_064412 - Copy.jpg
AvT in front, OS in back (although slight chance they where "switched at birth :doh:)

AvT - Yellow fades on leaves:
20211027_064214 - Copy.jpg 20211027_064324 - Copy.jpg

OS - Much spotting/necrosis:
20211027_064343 - Copy.jpg 20211027_064349 - Copy.jpg

Any suggestions/guidance/comments appreciated.
Otherwise will continue watering at ap. 66% RO to 33% tap - and will add Epsom to both (unless OS gets worse after Epsom)
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Thinking your right on the hard water/calcium causing lockout. Ran into that with my well water and did like you, mixed tap with store bought RO....got em to finish line and they wern't too bad.