Outdoor Trailanimal's 2016 Greenhouse plus Voodoo Girl

Now for Voodoo Girl. She started life, in the window, Trail's April Fools in Indoor Growing, seeded April 1. She is an AutoUltimate in 3gal smart pot in base soil with add-ons.View attachment 573357 View attachment 573358 View attachment 573361 Trained her flat for indoor. On May 14 weather so fair, had to put her in greenhouse. Now she is unchained and 53 days from seed. She's had a little slow down from change of environment, and is growing well again and looking good. First pic is indoor the day she moved out. Rest of pics taken yesterday.
what a great looking set up, sir! sorry that i'm late to the party but it's a party i'd most definitely like to be at!
and, back by popular demand, Voodoo Girl, she is loving the finally spring weather. She had a tough week too, because of me, not the cold. So, Monday I water her half ration and she immediately lets me know of her displeasure. Folded and sad all tues and wed, thurs morn reborn and back to her old self. I'm amazed at how diminutive she is, 17" tall x 22" wide. The early training worked, especially the hurding stepside taught. Kept the main stem from becoming a mainmast. She is stretching and building bud. Pics from this morn day 58 from seed:View attachment 576006 View attachment 576007 View attachment 576008
TA - loving voodoo girl. May I ask what your early training involved?
It was 31F this morn and all is well in the greenhouse. Seedling front runners, so far,afghani mag and six shooter
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TA - loving voodoo girl. May I ask what your early training involved?
If you checkout Trail's April Fools in Indoor grows you'll see her before she moved to the greenhouse. I just bent her and kept the main stem growing horizontally, then I hurded the top of main. When I set her out I let her go.
30F this morn, all's well in the greenhouse. The seedlings from the first germ in the cold and dark are strong and healthy. The reseeds and the re reseeds are still pokey. Afghani mags are super vig.
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Voodoo girl is packin bud.