Outdoor Trailanimal's 2016 Greenhouse plus Voodoo Girl

ok, sprout update:
blue dream........ 4 for 4
six shooter.......... 2 for 2
gsc................... 2 for 2
rhino ryder......... 2 for 2
au................... 2 for 2
afghani mag........ 6 for 8, still hoping the other 2 will show
og.................... 0 for 1, replanted with og
skunk.................... 1 for 2, replanted with skunk
blueberry headband...1 for 2, replanted empty pot with rhino ryder
sour 60...................0 for 2, replanted with purple kush
cbd.......................0 for 2, replanted one pot with gsc, the other with bubba cheese
As you all can see, had a tough germ run, 4 straight days cold(33 to 45F) and rainy(no sun), even with the cold blue dream and six shooter where showing before the 72 hr mark. Warm and sunny yesterday and predicted for days, yea, happy greenhouse, happy gardener, sprout pic is six shooter
and, back by popular demand, Voodoo Girl, she is loving the finally spring weather. She had a tough week too, because of me, not the cold. So, Monday I water her half ration and she immediately lets me know of her displeasure. Folded and sad all tues and wed, thurs morn reborn and back to her old self. I'm amazed at how diminutive she is, 17" tall x 22" wide. The early training worked, especially the hurding stepside taught. Kept the main stem from becoming a mainmast. She is stretching and building bud. Pics from this morn day 58 from seed:
maybe not the perfect design,but a luke warm shower is still better than a cold shower in my book.hats off to you for the initative and attempting it.
nice selection you have going on to.how big a window you got up there for growing ?
maybe not the perfect design,but a luke warm shower is still better than a cold shower in my book.hats off to you for the initative and attempting it.
nice selection you have going on to.how big a window you got up there for growing ?
I use an old oil fired hot water heater modified for wood burn, be hooked up soon, now that I'm pumping water from the overflow channel. And, I'll be glazing the roof solar hw heater with woven poly, stuff that covers greenhouse. Window is 3' high x 4.5" wide. Thinking if I get some portals in not too long a time, get one going in greenhouse and finish up in fall in the window