TLO/Super Soil recipes

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joe Dirt
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Ok using Liters: Mix does not need to be exact. Do keep worm casting at a max of 25% as they will reduce drainage above that point. 20% works well

12L soil + 4L coco coir + 2L worm castings

I still ad the epsom salts when using dolomite lime, you can use less or none if you wish. I use garden lime which is mostly cal.

garden lime, or dolomite lime, used for gardening

You mention 1 part soil, 30% coir, 20% worm castings.

Is this meant as (30gal~130 Liter Example)
65L Soil, 39L Coir, 26L Casting
97.5L Soil, 19.5L Coir, 13L Castings

Unsure of what was 'ment by the lime like @Bum for clarification..
You also mention 1/2cup lime, 1/4 cup epsom salt per 5 gallons. If lime, add Epsom salts, if dolomite (50cal/40mag) no Epsom?

here's a couple current plants grown in simple soil

The Pumpkin plant is 35ft long and currently has 11 pumpkins that will all be over 12lbs.

BD Greenhouse pic8 -9-27-2016.jpg
BIG pumpkin pic1.jpg
DF Greenhouse pic3 -8-27-2016.jpg
Just saw this, how did your plants do?
They did great man, just the water took forever to penetrate the surface if the soil. To much worm castings?

You mention 1 part soil, 30% coir, 20% worm castings.

Is this meant as (30gal~130 Liter Example)
65L Soil, 39L Coir, 26L Casting
97.5L Soil, 19.5L Coir, 13L Castings

Unsure of what was 'ment by the lime like @Bum for clarification..
You also mention 1/2cup lime, 1/4 cup epsom salt per 5 gallons. If lime, add Epsom salts, if dolomite (50cal/40mag) no Epsom?


I just took bit with my hand of the dolomite lime and mixed it with the potting soil. Then the 30/20 coco/worm and mix it all up.
That may be. sometimes I add some perlite that helps. also, I add about a 1/2tsp of plain, cheap, unscented dish soap, in 5 gallons of water ( or a few drops per gallon ) as a surfacant , it breaks the surface tension and the water passes more easliy into the soil. And the soap has phosphorus thats good for the plant. Dawn, similar brands are almost pure soap.

They did great man, just the water took forever to penetrate the surface if the soil. To much worm castings?

I just took bit with my hand of the dolomite lime and mixed it with the potting soil. Then the 30/20 coco/worm and mix it all up.
Thanks guys. :D

I'm looking at 130L/1.5=86.66 Base, 86.66x.3=25.99, 86.66x.2=17.33
(S)Soil 86.66
(C)Coir 25.99
(W)EWC 17.33

Soil base:
1x Black Gold All Organic Classic 17.6L
1x Fox Farm Ocean Forest 13.2L
1x Fox Farm Happy Frog 13.2L
1x Coast of Maine Bar Harbor Blend 17.6L
1x Coast of Maine Gardener's Gold 17.6L
Lava Rock 1/4"-1/32" Screened 2.3L
Hydroton Clay Pebbles 5L

Since the coir I already have comes in 8l bricks, 8x3=24, I'll drop the coir to 24L.

The EWC (5 different USA Locations from the FleaBay + My Homemade) I'll drop to 12L, half of the coir, due to potting soil mixes containing composts. That is 6 sources of castings.

So that's (S)86.5,(C)24,(W)12, 122.5, Close Enough!

Amendments: (For ~30gal)
3cup Dolomite
1.5cup Epsom Salt
4cup Mineral Mix (Glacier Rock Dust, Azomite, Elemite, Greensand 2:2:2:1 parts)

+2L of Amendments, Bringing it to 124.5L total mass.

Buying a 50gal tumble composter (WizardJr) just to mix 'n store soil.

Sounds like a good plan? Enough diversity? Not really KISS anymore is it? lol
Sounds like a good mix! Let it cook at least a couple weeks to 30 days. I don't always let mine if pressed for time. 90% of the time its fine, now and then, an auto won't like it. I'd fill the upper third of the pot with just the black gold and some coir. Then the plant will take the denser nute when ready. Take a look at the Kind Soil threads, their stuff is super dense organic nutrients, used in the bottom third of the pot. Looks to work quite well.

I still prefer my simple system. Not one soil related issue in almost two years. Plant 'em and grow 'em!

Thanks guys. :D

I'm looking at 130L/1.5=86.66 Base, 86.66x.3=25.99, 86.66x.2=17.33
(S)Soil 86.66
(C)Coir 25.99
(W)EWC 17.33

Soil base:
1x Black Gold All Organic Classic 17.6L
1x Fox Farm Ocean Forest 13.2L
1x Fox Farm Happy Frog 13.2L
1x Coast of Maine Bar Harbor Blend 17.6L
1x Coast of Maine Gardener's Gold 17.6L
Lava Rock 1/4"-1/32" Screened 2.3L
Hydroton Clay Pebbles 5L

Since the coir I already have comes in 8l bricks, 8x3=24, I'll drop the coir to 24L.

The EWC (5 different USA Locations from the FleaBay + My Homemade) I'll drop to 12L, half of the coir, due to potting soil mixes containing composts. That is 6 sources of castings.

So that's (S)86.5,(C)24,(W)12, 122.5, Close Enough!

Amendments: (For ~30gal)
3cup Dolomite
1.5cup Epsom Salt
4cup Mineral Mix (Glacier Rock Dust, Azomite, Elemite, Greensand 2:2:2:1 parts)

+2L of Amendments, Bringing it to 124.5L total mass.

Buying a 50gal tumble composter (WizardJr) just to mix 'n store soil.

Sounds like a good plan? Enough diversity? Not really KISS anymore is it? lol
What all of you all are doing is my goal,being new I knew I wanted to grow organic but not knowing were to begin did first grow with fox farm trio I want organic for my health for consuming and growing so I need to figure out a water only mix I'm trying the mephisto soil mix this run and will have decided and purchased the remaining products for soil mix of my own I don't want a bunch of different products should be able to do it with a few but what few is the best?I am very ill and I need to make this as user friendly as possiable
Only problem I'm having is deciding on what to use for sillica I have pro felt but bottle so doubt that's organicI? Could not find definite answer on that one see a few different things what can I use to water it in since I already mixed my soil I know it is not needed but I seen big difference in the plants used on.

well the few things that you have to understand is that anyone growing is going to have to decide on how much work they want to do. if you really need a water only system Kind soil or maybe the KIS soil additives are what you need or even the 2.1 master mix. any of these will make 20+ gallons of soil to 30 gallons of soil for a good price and the soil can be re used atleast twice with the 2.1 mix and possibly twice with the others too. but im not 100% on that. but kind soil is a water only system. man say water only system but really mean water n cal mag system. LOL but kind soil really is a water only system. but water and cal mag to the 2.1.GBD soil and others. so there are a few choices.

or if your so inclined ,its not too terribly tough to make a compost pile and EWC farm or even a bokashi bin.similar to a kitchen compost bin. easy and effective. but only if you have a little bit of help turning and so on. or just let it cold compost too. thats'll work just takes three times or so ,longer LOL! but it works fine too.less work. some pages back I touched on cold composting. so give that a look. but those KS and 2.1 systems are prolly the best bang for your buck. GBD soil is solid but does have some slight issues if not used full a less is more thing if your doing cal mag with it since it does have salts in it already.
organics don't need silica. soil generally contains plenty. If in doubt, ad a little fine sand!

What all of you all are doing is my goal,being new I knew I wanted to grow organic but not knowing were to begin did first grow with fox farm trio I want organic for my health for consuming and growing so I need to figure out a water only mix I'm trying the mephisto soil mix this run and will have decided and purchased the remaining products for soil mix of my own I don't want a bunch of different products should be able to do it with a few but what few is the best?I am very ill and I need to make this as user friendly as possiable
Only problem I'm having is deciding on what to use for sillica I have pro felt but bottle so doubt that's organicI? Could not find definite answer on that one see a few different things what can I use to water it in since I already mixed my soil I know it is not needed but I seen big difference in the plants used on.