TLO/Super Soil recipes

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joe Dirt
  • Start date Start date
Grrr. Shipping errors, no stock, wrong item, refunds, and incompetent post office deliveries. Good thing I can get most of what I bought locally.

soil mix 1.jpg

I ended up with:
Soil Mix- Dr. Earth P.o.G. (42.5L), 2x Fox Farms OF (26.4), Black Gold N.O. Potting Soil (17.6L), Hydroton (5L), Lava Rock (2.3L)

soil mix 2.jpg

The Coir bricks are actually 8.8L not 8L

Coir (26.4L)

4 Source Worm Castings (12L)


AdMix- Garden Lime (3Cup), Epsom Salts (1.5Cup), Mineral Mix (4Cup), Build-a-Soil CC [No Mineral] Mix (3Cup)

I also tossed in an additional 2Cup Vermiculite and 1Oz Powdered Honey for no reason at all.

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Stored in a vented 32Gal bin..
OK so yea I love TLO and I love my Growmore dry nutes but Im going to do all TLO i think from now on TEAS AND TLO so WHATS the Hot new MIX for 2017 LED growing of autos? I did my Tlo Mix I say get as much things as you can in there in the right amounts and thats when you get that FIRE..But I want to know WHats out there thats different and all VEGAN .
I've always been apprehensive about running soil a 2nd time, mostly because I have always been unsure of the quantities of elements to re-amend the soil with, but I recall @Eyes on Fire you detailed how you set your totes up and cook them.. Only quirk I may be over-thinking, is that's with your current soil recipe.. Since I'm using something a little different, would it still be fine to use what you use, and similar quantities?? The last few grows, I haven't had much in the way of deficiencies, so I know my soil is working well.. I think my biggest apprehension is that I don't have enough meds stocked up to do a lot of extensive plant testing, not to mention we have plant count laws.. I just started 2 seeds in my recycled soil that has been cooking for about 5 or so months, and is a combination of the last few grows, so 3 different types of super soil being combined.. I think 1 was an NLxBB and the other was an auto GDP, so we'll see!!!
well how different really...? but overall i would say absolutely man,you should be fine using mild to medium amounts of amendments to get your soil where you need it to be. really the only thing I do is what a lot doo. when they tailor their recipes that is. replace what the plant uses man. say if its a smaller strain like a foot tall or a thinner 2 feet for example, just use a 1/4 to 1/2 of N and so forth. large flowers youll add more flower foods and vice a versa. chop your roots up and stick them in the bin especially if they've not be rinsed within the soil. they have a bit of food,life and enzymes to be utilized in the tote. so ultimately I would say YES!! :)
Haven't been over this way for a few days.. Thanks for the advice!!! Like an idiot, I forgot to label which pots had the recycled soil and which had the other supersoil but I figure only time will tell!!!! I may try to start some indoor tomatoes with it to see how well it works.. There is a small possibility it may be kinda hot, so I may break it up into 2 totes and mix in some base soil or more used soil to thin it out a bit..

I have had a couple different humic/fulvic supplements that are both "certified organic", so I just use that as my benchmark.. After reading the articles you posted about the subject, I dosed the last plants I had with it about 3 weeks before the end of flower and I noticed it brought out more smell and it seemed to keep the leaves firm and lively, even as they yellowed before chop.. Definitely plan on using it every other week either in a typical watering or added to a tea.. I know a little goes a long way with them, so I don't want to over do it..