I've been doing hydro for the last few grows, as I enjoy the science behind it. Well, I am looking for a simple alternative/method to grow by, so I was thinking organics. I found this recipe, and it's similar to subcool's, but I'm still not 100% sure it's going to fly. It seems to cover all the bases, although I was thinking of adding DE, since I've read a lot of good things about using it. I'm cutting the original recipe in half, so if you wanted a larger batch, just double it:
- 3 bags Roots Organic
- 1 Bag BioBizz Light Mix
- 1, 30lbs bag worm castings
- 3lbs fish bone meal
- 1/2 cup Dolomite lime
- 1/4-1/3 cup Azomite
- 2-3lbs blood meal
- 2lbs Happy Frog bat guano
- 1/2 cup epsom salt
~25% perlite
I was thinking foliar sprays during the veg, but we'll see. I want to start cooking it this weekend, as I should have the Biobizz by tomorrow..
Any tips or things you'd change/add??